Originally Posted by Praxeas
And what are UPC licensed preachers concerned about? TV resolutions, but not false doctrine and the appearance of the occult. Not good
Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
You are absolutely right! This is heresy and the actions of occult members. This has got to be the dumbest thing I have seen. I have seen people get faith and try to run through a wall, which did not turn out so well. But the hair thing takes the cake!
I have a female friend that attended a UPC district in upper state .. and they did it there... she said the woman stated "as I let my hair down angels filled the room" She said it from the platform as a main speaker... she was serious.. Gee doesnt this sound like the hair is doing the work of the supposed Saviour? Consider it for a moment.. think about it... Where does power come from? The cross, or uncut locks?