I really think all this light doctrine stuff comes from guys that are doing their best to turn the lights OFF.
I don't think the UPCI needs to add more to the Affirmation Statement, because I just don't think there is that much of this in the UPCI. most of the guys going that way, are pulling out and pushing anyone who wants to speak in tongues to some secluded padded walled "prayer room" anyway.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
You’re not a 3 stepper if you believe the light doctrine.
I don't believe the "light doctrine" as it has been described by some in the UPCI. I do not believe people are judged according to the light they have. Romans 2 makes it clear that God will judge those without the law by their conscience. I affirm Acts 4:12, Acts 2:38 and John 3:5. My contention with latter verses is that I leave it up God to decide which Christians have obeyed those verses.
I don't believe the "light doctrine" as it has been described by some in the UPCI. I do not believe people are judged according to the light they have. Romans 2 makes it clear that
God will judge those without the law by their conscience
. I affirm Acts 4:12, Acts 2:38 and John 3:5. My contention with latter verses is that I leave it up God to decide which Christians have obeyed those verses.
How does Romans 2:12-13 open a way for all sorts of different flavors of "Christians" to receive entry into eternal life? Acts 2:38, John 3:5, John 3:16, Matthew 5:48, and Matthew 7:13-14 are just verses. But all these verses must be kept in context of the whole scripture story line. The reason why we have so many denominations is because they all cherry pick. They misunderstand large portions of the story, and teaching. Agenda driven and traditionally hog tied cause huge journeys down the rabbit hole. God decides? Sure He does, that is why He had it all written down. No one is getting in through hoping for hope, or wishful thinking.
It is a narrow way, and a tight gate, and Jesus said few will find it.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Well at least some are finally realizing what their doctrine means. If that trend continues the UPC will not be able to stand. There are to many hard questions to follow once you readily admit that anyone who does not believe your doctrine will be damned.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
Well at least some are finally realizing what their doctrine means. If that trend continues the UPC will not be able to stand.
I'm not UPC, but mark my words. The United Pentecostal Church will be here way after we are all in the ground as worm food.
Originally Posted by jfrog
There are to many hard questions to follow once you readily admit that anyone who does not believe your doctrine will be damned.
Before I comment on the above, could you explain a the above quote with more detail?
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
No organization or minister has complete absolute truth.
We are all deficient in some way.
Yes I can hear the screams and hollers from those who disagree, but that is the truth.
We are all walking in the light that we have.
even those who pretend and affirm to have all the complete truth.
Sorry to burst your bubble but you too are walking in the light that you have received.
**Original Matthew 28:19 Restored**
No organization or minister has complete absolute truth.
We are all deficient in some way.
Yes I can hear the screams and hollers from those who disagree, but that is the truth.
We are all walking in the light that we have.
even those who pretend and affirm to have all the complete truth.
Sorry to burst your bubble but you too are walking in the light that you have received.
Yeah, yeah-- but are the dewdrops of mercy shining bright in the light in which you are walking?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
No organization or minister has complete absolute truth.
We are all deficient in some way.
Yes I can hear the screams and hollers from those who disagree, but that is the truth.
We are all walking in the light that we have.
even those who pretend and affirm to have all the complete truth.
Sorry to burst your bubble but you too are walking in the light that you have received.
Well, I guess we will all be burning in a big lake of fire fryer.
Hey, I'm sorry, but some things are just way too plain to ignore. If we don't have it all, than I guess we don't have it at all. Just sayin. Instead of making excuses for ourselves, I guess we should be sharpening some number two pencils, praying on our faces, pushing back a few plates, and hitting the book. Until we get our good stuff together. Did MeMaw, and PeePaw have it all together? I don't know, but I do know that while breath is in me, I better make my calling an election sure. It is one thing to have denial about this present life, it is another to have denial about our eternal fate. Forgive me, please forgive me. But I'm going to try the best I can to understand and know the Truth. The Truth, which Jesus, and His apostles wanted us to know.
We have more denominations than Carter has little liver pills, and within our own movement there are more different doctrines than lights on the Xmas tree in Rockefeller Center. I know that tends to distract us and make allowances for people sliding under the doorway to heaven and laying that all on God. But, let's face it boys and girls, Jesus never told us that He was giving out partial truth, and making allowances for everyman to his own devices.
Buy the Truth and sell it not?
Are we to buy The Truth, or a pig in a poke?
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
If we can't know for sure we're on the Highway of Holiness, then God failed to give assurance to anyone. But God did not fail. Therefore we can be sure whether or not we're on the right Path.
I don't know about MeeMaw and PawPaw, but I've got the same Bible they had, and no Mandela Effect to blame if I die and my soul be lost.
We can clearly see certain things, because they have been clearly written down. Jesus died and rose again the third day, He bore our sins, He said to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins, in His Name, and He promised the very real Holy Ghost. He said if we trust in Him, not our own ways, we will never die, even if we die we will live again.
God is not the author of confusion, but some people like being confused, I guess.