I agree with many others re the cause of war...greed and power.
Religion often gets a bum rap because of the politics that follows dogma.
But the author of James 1:27 wrote, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
THIS is religion...everything else we debate and defer over gets thrown under the religion bus.
Christianity -- even the true version of it, sometimes referred to as a relationship with Jesus -- causes "disunity" in families. Jesus predicted that it would. He said families would be broken up because of it. Family members would be enemies of each other. He offered a reward -- eternal life! -- to anyone would would forsake their family for his name's sake. He said you must hate your family (compared to how much you must love him, as many have explained to me to make it sound less harsh).
Can anyone deny any of what I just said? It's there in the Bible, in black and white. (Red, in some. )
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Christianity -- even the true version of it, sometimes referred to as a relationship with Jesus -- causes "disunity" in families. Jesus predicted that it would. He said families would be broken up because of it. Family members would be enemies of each other. He offered a reward -- eternal life! -- to anyone would would forsake their family for his name's sake. He said you must hate your family (compared to how much you must love him, as many have explained to me to make it sound less harsh).
Can anyone deny any of what I just said? It's there in the Bible, in black and white. (Red, in some. )
There is nothing wrong with research and when done honestly it will lead one back to Jesus and the Bible as it has countless throughout history.
No offense Luke, but the Bible has only been available (in its current version) for only about 200 years. Modern printing presses were invented in the 1800's and literacy (the ability to read) became more apparent by the middle 1800's via the "The Elementary Education Act of 1870".
This is another problem with so many who develop dogmas or ideas that people from yesterday were all carting around Bibles under their arms, thumping everyone with Acts 2:38. People were put to death for possessing a valid copy of a Bible before the 1600's, and even if they had one, most people couldn't read it.