Originally Posted by Esaias
Is Pakistan and Afghanistan in the middle east?
Cause they make a TON of weapons...Pretty good at it too considering the meager tools they use.
Technically that's Asia but they're brown-skinned Muslims so I guess on this board and since y'all don't really care anyway they can fairly be lumped in with "them middle eastern arab foreign people".
So they make a ton of weapons huh?
WATERVLIET ARSENAL, N.Y. (Feb. 2013) -- Watervliet Arsenal announced today that it received a $5.9 million contract to provide the Afghan National Army with nearly 900 60mm-mortar systems, as part of the U.S. State Department's Foreign Military Sales program.
Lets look more closely at those violent Afghans
According to the results of a survey released last week by the Public Religion Research Institute, 57 percent of white evangelicals live in homes where someone owns a gun (compared, for example, with 31 percent of Catholics.) And more startling, even after 20 first-graders were slaughtered in Connecticut at the hands of a madman with an assault rifle, 59 percent of white evangelicals continue to oppose tighter restrictions on gun laws.
OK let's assume Afghans represent (some) of the worst of the most violent in Islam and lets look at the stats -
Karp, Aaron.2007.‘Completing the Count: Civilian firearms - Annexe online.’ Small Arms Survey 2007: Guns and the City.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,27 August.
Afghanistan gun ownership rates:
4.4 per thousand. Gun ownership by white American evangelicals is 129X higher? (that's actually pretty funny in the context of this discussion)
Murder rate:
2.4. About 50% of the average US murder rate and significantly lower than the US murder rate would be if you exclude the
entire black community which you people seem to like to do (carryover from those good ole cross-burning days I reckon huh). Care to explain why people who are so violent murder other people at lower rates than American good ole boys do?