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Old 07-19-2012, 09:24 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
Or maybe we despise his policies. No, we must all be racist for disagreeing with the dictator-in-chief.
In my opinion, it is another manifestation of racism to call someone a racist because they disagree with Barack Obama. He is obviously inept and in way over his head and as he clumsily thrashes around with his socialist policies and his obvious disdain for the legislative and judicial branches of government as he attempts to rule as an emperor, if we criticize or disagree immediately he and others shrilly scream that it's only because of his race.
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:40 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
In my opinion, it is another manifestation of racism to call someone a racist because they disagree with Barack Obama. He is obviously inept and in way over his head and as he clumsily thrashes around with his socialist policies and his obvious disdain for the legislative and judicial branches of government as he attempts to rule as an emperor, if we criticize or disagree immediately he and others shrilly scream that it's only because of his race.
Racism works to Obama's advantage, and that is why he pulls that card and others in agreement with him, and they use it at every opportunity. It works.... to his advantage, but NOT to the advantage of this country.

He is the emperor running around naked thinking no one but him knows.... and thinking he has us all fooled into believing his lies.

I am not "into" politics, because I can't find any evidence whatsoever that Jesus or any of his disciples ever engaged in the politics of the day....

but I just had to say that what this man is doing is outrageous, and the American people have a right to be frustrated with the methods he is using to beat down our country until none of us have any freedoms left to worship God. Because that is indeed where I think all of this is headed.

And yet, I know God is at the forefront of it all, allowing every bit of it to take place, because He could stop it at any moment if He should so choose, but He hasn't....

It is not a time for believers to cower down and scratch their heads, and wonder what to do.

It is a time to rise up in prayer, and intercession as never before. We are about to see things unfold that this country has never seen.... the handwriting is on the wall.... and my ONLY hope is NOT IN A MAN - not Obama, not Romney, not any other man/woman alive... but my HOPE is in JESUS.

This world has been in a wild mess before, time, and time, and time again... but this time, it just happens to be "our world"... America as we know it.

If there ever was a time for us to find our authority, and power in Christ, that time is now, because no doubt we are going to need it right here in America.... This time it is not somewhere far away where we can just ignore the shots being fired, in other places around the world such as in Germany, now Syria, and Israel... but here in this beloved land of freedom... we will no doubt soon begin to feel the effects of a nation who has left her God behind, and God has a way of showing those nations exactly who HE is.

The handwriting is on the wall, all signs are pointing to great turmoil and misery not too far in the future... and for many, it has already begun with loss of jobs, broken economy, a terrible drought, and wicked weather...

Well... I've had my say, and probaby said more than enough.... but I really can't say it enough .... that my hope is in Christ, and ALL other ground is sinking sand.

And while I've said too much, I'll just say this.... you can no doubt count on Obama being our next president....
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:43 PM
oufan59 oufan59 is offline
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
Or maybe we despise his policies. No, we must all be racist for disagreeing with the dictator-in-chief.
Despise his policies all you want, but if you are going to call him a dictator-in-chief, what do you calll George W. Bush? If you got your news from sources other than Fox News, you would know that Bush and Cheney pushed for an Imperial Presidency with the Executive Branch getting more and more power. Check and see how many times Bush used executive orders to bypass congress. President Obama has not even come close to issuing as many executive orders as President Bush. By the way, didn't Jesus tell his disciples that he didn't come to Earth to set up a Kingdom but to save the lost? Was Jesus just kidding, or do Christians today not believe the Bible or Jesus' teachings?
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:43 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
In my opinion, it is another manifestation of racism to call someone a racist because they disagree with Barack Obama. He is obviously inept and in way over his head and as he clumsily thrashes around with his socialist policies and his obvious disdain for the legislative and judicial branches of government as he attempts to rule as an emperor, if we criticize or disagree immediately he and others shrilly scream that it's only because of his race.
To be fair, it happens both ways. I have seen many people accuse others of only supporting him because he is black even though they insist it is not so....
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:51 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
To be fair, it happens both ways. I have seen many people accuse others of only supporting him because he is black even though they insist it is not so....
That's how that communist was elected into the White House.
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:51 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by BroJoe View Post
Absolutely zero credibility. This so called witness 9 has nothing to do with this case. However, due to my experience in the legal field, the prosecution will look at this as a person who can describe Zimmerman's mental state and his basic MO. They will absolutely want to use this witness, no doubt. It'll be up to the judge whether or not they will be allowed.

My opinion on this case as whole:

If his testimony matches up with the way he described it in the beginning, that he feared for his life, that he feared great bodily harm, etc, then he will get off...

The way the stand your ground law is defined in florida is such as this:

2011 Florida Statutes CHAPTER 776 JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE[22]

776.012 Use of force in defense of person.—A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:

(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or
(2) Under those circumstances permitted pursuant to s. 776.013.

If he believed this, and stated such in the beginning. Case closed. Jury will have no choice but to follow the wording of state law.
Don't forget that while you are questioning the truthfulness of witnesses that George Zimmerman and his wife are the only people in the case who are proven liars. They are the ones who testified under oath in a court hearing that they had no money and qualified for indigent legal representation, which has been proven to be a lie.
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:54 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by Dordrecht View Post
That's how that communist was elected into the White House.
If the president is a communist or a socialist, he is the worst socialist and communist that ever existed. Please give a few examples of communist or socialist policies that the President has put into practice.
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:56 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

The title of this thread is VERY misleading. It should read, "As A Child, George Zimmerman and His Friend 'Played Doctor'", or something similar.

To write the title as darrmad did is to deliberately make it sound like George Zimmerman, THE ADULT, molested a 9 year old. Sloppy Journalism 101.
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Last edited by MissBrattified; 07-19-2012 at 10:02 PM.
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Old 07-19-2012, 10:50 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

I'm just curious if anybody has any thoughts about this. Is this relevant? Would some of you be referencing this if you were "on Martin's side"?:

The New York Daily News reports the former co-worker saying Zimmerman — who made between $50 and $100 a night — was fired from his job as a security guard in 2005 for “being too aggressive.” Usually “he was just a cool guy,” he said. “He liked to drink and hang with the women like the rest of us. But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped.” From the report:

He had a temper and he became a liability. One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted. It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.
While the source conceded that Zimmerman “loved being in charge” and “loved the power,” he said. “Still, I could never see him killing someone. Never.”

The story notes that, also in 2005, Zimmerman “was arrested for fighting with a cop trying to arrest his friend for underage drinking, and he and his ex-fiancée took out protective orders against each other.”
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Old 07-19-2012, 11:58 PM
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Re: george zimmerman molested 9 year old

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Prax, as I've said before, following is fundamentally different from pursuing. At the point when he was in his car, on the phone with 911, I think you could argue he was following. At the point when the kid runs and he gets out armed and gives chase, he is pursuing. If an armed man is pursuing you for no reason, at what point can the one being pursued invoke the stand your ground law as justification to physically engage?
That is the problem, do we have facts supporting the man was armed, ie had his piece out, and was chasing the kid?

Zimmerman had cuts from being in a scuffle. If an armed man is chasing me NO WAY do I stop and confront him. I keep on running!

You say that chasing a kid with a weapon is not reason for him to physically attack, but you easily accept that the one doing the chasing had reason to use deadly force?
I never said he was chasing the kid with a weapon, you did. I never said that because I have no evidence he was chasing the kid with a weapon out.

Your argument is based on a fallacy. I never said or agreed Zimmerman was chasing the kid armed or unarmed.

I do believe he was following Travon probably both in the car AND on foot but again that is not grounds for assault as far as I understand the law.

Something there does not compute with me...and it has nothing to do with race.
Well that is because you made unfounded assumptions about the case and what I know about it or agreed to as far as the facts are
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