Originally Posted by crakjak
When I could no longer embrace the leadership and the direction of the assembly that my family was attending, thru prayer and the Word we moved on to where we could again embrace the focus.
Parents are responsible for the training of their children, this was never delegated to the church, schools or civil authorities. Hillary says "it takes a village", how's that working out in our society??
Amen, Crakjak,
I have said several times on this forum that it is not anyone else's responsibility to take care of that which WE birthed!
Recently I stood behind a grandmother and her daughter, who had two young children, in a checkout lane. The little boy was talking back to his grandmother as she tried to correct him. The mother didn't seem to have any input. The grandmother looked around at me and said, "It really does take a village"!. I had heard that phrase before and knew where it came from. I said, "I know Hillary said that, but I believe it takes a FAMILY, and GOD". She somewhat agreed after thinking about it! It takes both fathers and mothers, working together with GOD. Teaching their children godly principals from HIS WORD! Prayer in the home, and hearing the Word of GOD until it becomes alive in their hearts and lives. What are the succeeding generations going to be like without godly influence, instruction, and living!
Grandparents can help by giving loving support through prayer and love, etc., They don't need to try to tell their children how to raise their children. If they have trained their children up right, they will know how, with God's help, to raise theirs, with God's help. As our Dad used to say, "Adults don't like to be treated like children.They'll resent it". God gave us a few years to train up ours, and then the time will come when only God can help them. And HE will, if they but ask. They need to be allowed to ask for themselves. If someone else does all their praying and asking,etc., for them, they'll never learn how to ask HIM for themselves.
We pray for our children, grandchildren, etc., but they must feel their need of Him and learn to lean on Him for themselves and their family. We also pray with our adult children for a need/etc. IF they ask us to join WITH them in prayer for a specific need.