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Old 07-22-2009, 08:13 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Originally Posted by Irreligious View Post
Hey Monk,

I naturally wondered if I just might be one you're referring to. I obviously take a 180 degree view of things from the UPC way.

But I thought I'd just offer this...Today is my 7th day on this forum and I'm keeping count of something. I've been told I'm going to hell 13 times. Believe me, my good friend there's a LOT of bashing going on but I have never come within a universe of telling anyone they're unsaved. So yeah, there's bashing but it's coming FROM the UPC as much, if not more, than toward it.

And I've been wondering...would you happen to be a bass player that once did things the Goodine way?
No it's not coming from the UPC. It's coming from individuals. Did you check to see if each individual was UPC?

I get told the same thing by individuals that are Trinitarian. That does not make it a Trinitarian value
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Old 07-22-2009, 08:17 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Originally Posted by Monkeyman View Post
Back in the day when I first joined 2 forums ago, there were always opposite points of view. Both sides brought intelligent, witty, and sometimes deep thoughts and it was very interesting...in the past few months, things have changed.

I still see good points made by both sides, but I have to tell you, in almost every thread concerning the UPC, I am reading some very condescending, vile, and bitter posts. I don't think one has to agree with my org's decison, and or edicts. I can even appreciate a different point of view...but...some, actually, many posts I have read have surprised me with the anger behind them. Some of the members back in the day had been hurt by an organization too, and some were even still angry, but they posted with humility, love, and a Christ-like attitude....I miss those days. Now I am wincing before I go into a thread because I don't know what I will read...again.
Make your points...but check your heart

Peace out...
No bashing, there is life after and beyond the UPC. To share an observation or life experience is not always bashing.
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Old 07-22-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Originally Posted by Monkeyman View Post
Back in the day when I first joined 2 forums ago, there were always opposite points of view. Both sides brought intelligent, witty, and sometimes deep thoughts and it was very interesting...in the past few months, things have changed.

I still see good points made by both sides, but I have to tell you, in almost every thread concerning the UPC, I am reading some very condescending, vile, and bitter posts. I don't think one has to agree with my org's decison, and or edicts. I can even appreciate a different point of view...but...some, actually, many posts I have read have surprised me with the anger behind them. Some of the members back in the day had been hurt by an organization too, and some were even still angry, but they posted with humility, love, and a Christ-like attitude....I miss those days. Now I am wincing before I go into a thread because I don't know what I will read...again.

Make your points...but check your heart

Peace out...
I have never been UPC and have no desire to be in the UPC. With that said I totally agree with you.
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Old 07-22-2009, 09:03 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Originally Posted by Irreligious View Post
Hey Monk,

I naturally wondered if I just might be one you're referring to. I obviously take a 180 degree view of things from the UPC way.

But I thought I'd just offer this...Today is my 7th day on this forum and I'm keeping count of something. I've been told I'm going to hell 13 times. Believe me, my good friend there's a LOT of bashing going on but I have never come within a universe of telling anyone they're unsaved. So yeah, there's bashing but it's coming FROM the UPC as much, if not more, than toward it.

And I've been wondering...would you happen to be a bass player that once did things the Goodine way?
Actually Irregardless no. It's totally fine with me that you challenge what we have been taught, to me asking questions and debating is fine. It's posters who show their bad taste in their posts. Look around the threads, you'll find them. Guys like Timlan, DA, and others share some of your viewpoints, yet I never read them wishing bad things to happen upon my comrades. Yes, I know the con side has their share of blame as well, but nowhere near the posts I have read recently. It never was this bad until the past few months. As for the cupcake who thinks I'm a princess because I brought this up, since you seem to know me, u can set the record straight on me being a princess, lol. I'm many things, but soft ain't one of them.

And yes, I once fell asleep playing bass to "Heartmender" lol!
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Old 07-22-2009, 09:09 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Originally Posted by Neck View Post
No bashing, there is life after and beyond the UPC. To share an observation or life experience is not always bashing.
Neck please re-read my post , sheesh! I said debate is fine and I don't expect that since you disagree and say so that it is bashing. One last time, it's the repeated post I see that knuckleheads post in a bad spirit. You can tell the ones by their words, this is easy math to figure out. Just cuz I post this thread, dont jump to conclusions if you have ever disagreed with the UPC! I'm not accusing those who disagree, I am saying there are many posts recently stating and wishing ill will towards my org. That is all.

Last edited by Monkeyman; 07-22-2009 at 09:12 PM.
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Old 07-22-2009, 09:10 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Great post MM!
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Old 07-22-2009, 09:14 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Originally Posted by Monkeyman View Post
Actually Irregardless no. It's totally fine with me that you challenge what we have been taught, to me asking questions and debating is fine. It's posters who show their bad taste in their posts. Look around the threads, you'll find them. Guys like Timlan, DA, and others share some of your viewpoints, yet I never read them wishing bad things to happen upon my comrades. Yes, I know the con side has their share of blame as well, but nowhere near the posts I have read recently. It never was this bad until the past few months. As for the cupcake who thinks I'm a princess because I brought this up, since you seem to know me, u can set the record straight on me being a princess, lol. I'm many things, but soft ain't one of them.

And yes, I once fell asleep playing bass to "Heartmender" lol!

Holy cow. And you're the one that corrected me about the title of "To God Be The Glory....My Tribute" and then started posting stuff to yourself when I was accused of posting from two accounts. I actually have a funny story about that.

I had a funny feeling it was you then.

But anyway, I've been called every name in the book in the last few days by your fine apostolic/pentecostal brethren!! It's all YOU GUYS!! ; )

Seriously, I've never heard of the guys of which you speak. I'll kick their butts for you! Can I say that here?
Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? Will God? No! HE IS THE ONE who has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? Will Christ Jesus? No, for HE IS THE ONE who died for us and was raised to life for us and is sitting at the place of highest honor next to God, pleading for us. (Romans 8:33-34)

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Old 07-22-2009, 09:17 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Originally Posted by Irreligious View Post
Holy cow. And you're the one that corrected me about the title of "To God Be The Glory....My Tribute" and then started posting stuff to yourself when I was accused of posting from two accounts. I actually have a funny story about that.

I had a funny feeling it was you then.

But anyway, I've been called every name in the book in the last few days by your fine apostolic/pentecostal brethren!! It's all YOU GUYS!! ; )

Seriously, I've never heard of the guys of which you speak. I'll kick their butts for you! Can I say that here?
Irregular, you GOTTA admit, my conversations with myself were funny, you, I, and everyone knows this, he he he. You find out soon if your psuedo-cursing is over the line, haaaaa!
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Old 07-22-2009, 09:22 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Monkster; as someone that definately leans to the left, I have to agree with you.

Peace & Love to ALL!!
East of I-5
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Old 07-22-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: This UPC Bashing is Getting Old

Peace and love, peace and love

this isn't a witch hunt, just a "friendly" reminder to check your heart before you post, even monkeys!
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