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Old 04-11-2007, 10:43 AM
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Ferd Ferd is offline
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I was watching something last night (really not watching it was just on while I was doning other stuff)

and something made me remember a song I used to sing to Mrs Ferd. I sang it to her again last night. it was really nice.

Ive grown acustom to your face,
It always makes the day begin.
Ive grown acustom to the tune
you wistle night and noon

Your smiles your frowns
your ups your downs

They'er second nature to me now
like breathin' out
and breathin' in

Im so grateful your a woman
but so easy to forget
rather like a habit
one can always break um yet

ive grown acustom to the trace
of something in the air,

ive grown acustome to your face...

thank you TV.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
My Countdown Counting down to: Days left till the end of the opressive Texas Summer!
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:47 AM
Just a Shepherd Just a Shepherd is offline
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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Why go to extremes to prove a point?

I know people who have a computer for their 5 yr old and they play games on it constantly, but does that mean we then preach abstinence for everyone else because 'someone' allows the internet to babysit their kid?
You missed the point altogether, I never said anything about "preaching abstinence for everyone." Where did you get that!?

I was making the point about the difference in the way content is delivered, and playing computer games is not surfing the net but that's another topic in itself.
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
I have a 27" console but I have a 36" in storage in Illinois!

I want a 60" plasma on my wall!!!
Ha Ha!! I hope you have a big room or you'll go blind with a 60" from sitting too close.

I have a 46in Sony LCD rear projection HD TV. I have to sit back at least 10ft or I get the fuzzies. I love the old shows like Dick VanDyke and Hogan's heroes, etc and the old 1940s movies. The picture quality on those shows are pretty bad blown up to fit the TV screen. My husband says I'd be better off watching an old Black and white set. Around here we don't have many HD channels yet and the digital are over 70. So from 1-70 is kind of fuzzy and over 70 is OK but not high def.
It's ALL good!!!

James 2
12 So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free. 13 For there will be no mercy for you if you have not been merciful to others. But if you have been merciful, then God's mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you.
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Just a Shepherd View Post
You missed the point altogether, I never said anything about "preaching abstinence for everyone." Where did you get that!?

I was making the point about the difference in the way content is delivered, and playing computer games is not surfing the net but that's another topic in itself.
right. because the way content is delivered is KEY! i mean if you get playboy deliverd by the UPS man that is one thing but if it comes to your unmarked post office box that is clearly a different mode of delivery.

hog wash!
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Just a Shepherd View Post
35 Dangers of Television

It provides great temptation to sin

There's more temptations presented on the Internet than on TV. And the Internet not only provides the temptation, it allows it to be carried out in many cases.

It robs children of their innocence

And the Internet is full of nothing but cute, fluffy bunnies or something?

It desensitizes

And the Internet doesn't?

It mesmerizes and feeds the subconscious

And nobody ever gets wound up in anything they're messing with online, right?

It corrupts our values

And there is nothing but fine Christian values portrayed on the Internet?

It creates perceived needs

Yeah, there's no ads or anything online or nothing that people can read about that would lead them to those feelings, surely....

It creates godless heroes

And every character you can find on the Internet is godly?

It makes the viewer partners to sin

You can actually participate in sin in realtime online, let alone just watching something that portrays an evil.

It gives instruction on bad behavior

You can look up and print off instructions for bad behavior on the Internet. LOL

It promotes godless problem solving

The Internet takes God into consideration at every turn though?

It creates a false view of reality

But we all know everything you see online is REAL. From every buxom bimbo to every reported revival? *cough*

It fuels the imagination with negative images

Everything on the internet is so cute and cuddly and positive in nature, isn't it?

It teaches a "no consequence" lifestyle

Hey, it's just the Internet, it doesn't matter what I do or how I act here.....

It breeds unreal fear


It promotes mistrust and cynicism

I trust everyone that I read about or meet on the Internet. Their all such honest, loving, truthful, transparent people...

It feeds self-centeredness and self-indulgence

The Internet makes me want to run out and feed all the starving children of Ethiopia (except for ones that believe in Divine Flesh.)

It breeds intolerance of deprivation and moderation

The internet teaches me to live a deprived and moderate life?

It destroys the attention span

"Man this thing is so slow....it's taking forever...why won't this page load!? *CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK......* *14 browser pages open at one time juggling back and forth*"

It creates learning disabilities

I'm a genius that's far ahead of my time because of the Internet...

It creates an appetite for entertainment

Oh yes, the Internet makes me crave learning and self-improvement. I never sit in front of it and vege out....

It destroys creativity

Googling and printing instructions for things I need to do rather than coming up with solutions myself makse me very creative.....you have to have really creative search terms to get what you want!

It hinders the reasoning process

Boy, I've become an ace at reasoning since the Internet came along....

It creates artificially induced stress

Nobody gets stressed out because of things they read on the Internet...I mean, if they did, there'd be posts on forums made by people saying they were leaving and never coming back because of the way everyone was acting on there....and they'd even type posts in tears...and some might even get banned for outbursts....

It promotes violent behavior

There certainly isn't any violence online.

It breaks down interpersonal communication

I think I'll email downstairs to my wife and ask if dinner is ready....

It desensationalizes miracles

Watching Benny Hinn on YouTube increases my faith! Glory!

It feeds the desire for supernatural and occult power

Good thing there aren't any occult-related websites....whew...

It can be habit-forming

Sometimes I completely forget to check my email the 45th time of day...

It is addictive in nature

If they ban me for this, I'll use a proxy server to get back on there and tell those people a piece of my mind....

It is damaging to our physical health

I am exhausted from all this typing....I must've burned 4 calories by now...

It offers escape from reality and responsibility

The internet is real and it makes me want to be a more responsible individual, doesn't it you?

It is a waste of time

Reading about Ruth Reider's brother's wife's sister's dog getting it's toenails clipped is of vital importance....dishes and lawn mowing can wait....
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:12 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Just a Shepherd View Post
You missed the point altogether, I never said anything about "preaching abstinence for everyone." Where did you get that!?

I was making the point about the difference in the way content is delivered, and playing computer games is not surfing the net but that's another topic in itself.
Then what do you preach in regard to TV if not abstinence?

And the experts disagree with you in regard to video games. The stats are that more children are having neurological problems including seizure disorders because of playing video games.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:21 AM
Kutless Kutless is offline
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I was watching something last night (really not watching it was just on while I was doning other stuff)

and something made me remember a song I used to sing to Mrs Ferd. I sang it to her again last night. it was really nice.

Ive grown acustom to your face,
It always makes the day begin.
Ive grown acustom to the tune
you wistle night and noon

Your smiles your frowns
your ups your downs

They'er second nature to me now
like breathin' out
and breathin' in

Im so grateful your a woman
but so easy to forget
rather like a habit
one can always break um yet

ive grown acustom to the trace
of something in the air,

ive grown acustome to your face...

thank you TV.
Were you watching (listening) to Dancing with the Stars?
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:22 AM
Kutless Kutless is offline
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Originally Posted by Just a Shepherd View Post
You missed the point altogether, I never said anything about "preaching abstinence for everyone." Where did you get that!?

I was making the point about the difference in the way content is delivered, and playing computer games is not surfing the net but that's another topic in itself.
Your exactly right there Bro Shepherd. There are plenty arguments out there on the desensitizing factor that is the VIDEO GAME.
He Forgives and Forgets

have your pets spayed or neutered
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:23 AM
Just a Shepherd Just a Shepherd is offline
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Originally Posted by chseeads View Post
You're right! I just never thought about it that way. Since all danger is relative to other danger, then by comparison, TV is harmless! After all, cancer kills far more people than TV.

I would immediately advocate you getting a big screen and feasting your mind/spirit until your eyes roll back in your head.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:25 AM

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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
What was his aunt's name? You know, the obviously "holiness" woman with a "bad" spirit?

I think it was Esther... but I am not sure!
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