Originally Posted by OP_Carl
You are correct that the Treasury Secretary and the Fed chairman did not act appropriately before, during, or after the financial meltdown. In that sense, the Bush administration rightly deserves blame.
The structures and systems that were put in place (by Carter and Clinton) or kept in place (by Barney Frank & Senate Democrats) that CAUSED all this should have been torn down or severely modified. We can also blame the Bush administration for not having the temerity to tackle this project - an initiative that would have been EXTREMELY unpopular if it had been attempted beforehand.
But generally speaking, it takes years for the effects of any given economic policy to become fully known.
You know what, you are really reaching to try to convince me that Carter had something to do with this, but you skip Reagan and Bush Sr.
Honestly, if you have a problem with Democrat policies then say that.
But to blame 2008's financial crisis on a President who served one term almost 30 years ago is laughable.
If his policies were that bad, then Reagan and Bush Sr are just as guilty for letting it stand.
Surely, if Carter's and Clinton's policies were that bad, the Republican President and the Republican dominated House and Senate should have done something about it to fix it.
Remember Newt's contract with America and the Republican dominated Congress of the 1990's, yeah, they share piece in this soup sandwich too, if you really want to blame Carter and Clinton.
I don't make these arguments.
Maybe the foundation for all of this mess was laid in the 1990's. Maybe.
But we are 8 years into this century, with 6 of the last 8 years dominated by Republicans.
They are largely responsible-- their actions and inactions.
That is why WE LOST this time.