Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
Might as well. You know I was talking to a buddy of mine that it seems that everyone in congress/senate are so worried about the home and mortgage companies they are not talking about the deficit. It kinda makes me think that with the feds trying to do this bail out through various methods (probably some tax money)that it kinda seems like there is other money stashed somewhere else. Like I got 7 bucks I keep in my left pocket but I spent it. But all of a sudden I have 14 bucks in my right so I am safe. The deficit is a big deal but it seems that if both Dems and Reps can agree on something they are either strange bedfellows (they all stand to lose alot) or something else weird.
unfortunatley Congress has figured out that money is just paper. they can print more of it. the bailout as they are talking about it, will most likely make money for the government. they will buy these securities above market value but below actual value (this is because of strange mark to market rules) and then eventually they will sell those assets for a profit.
there is another shoe here. i forget exactly what its called but basically these hedge funds and banks have some kind of asset protection racket to the tune of 34 TRILLION dollars. if that bit goes south, nothing can be done.
mabye U2345783489057390485794875 can tell us what that is. he is...