Originally Posted by Neckstadt
Not everyone has a beaten down attitude nor they have been hurt etc.
Many of the men who have left the UPCI or will leave shortly.
Have no problem with many of their friends in the organization.
They have not been hurt nor do they care...
All they want it the leading of the spirtit and the freedom to pursue the call of God.
The hurts usually develope once men who stay in the organization tear those apart for leaving....QUOTE]
thats exactly right.
I am more uptight about UPC since I have left and the junk I have been told
for staying away.
Now I am a rebel, off color in my spirit, upc basher, hater, sowing dis-cord etc.
But if you meet in person at a UPC service I will not gripe and complain about the UPC.
But If we sit down and talk openly I will discuss how I feel about the UPC.
98 percent of my gripes about UPC are done on-line.
But I am glad some UPC ministers are hearing and reading what people think.
Forum's are a good thing, when it comes to talking about issues.
I know 15-20 years ago, if this forum was up and running; UPC would forbid chatting here.