I don't think a pastor owning things, boats, cars, campers, and homes is abuse. Conversely, pastors shouldn't feel they need to quantify the lack of their belongings in order to try and prove that they have taken an Apostolic vow of poverty in order to garner respect.
Frankly, it is none of anyone's business (except in the rare case of a leader breaking the law) what the pastor drives, where he lives, or how much he spends on suits.
I am so sick and tired of Apostolic Socialism.
Wouldn't you hate to be in the hospital needing prayer and encouragement and the preacher can't get there because his old junky car broke down?
Wouldn't you hate to be in the hospital needing prayer and encouragement and the preacher can't get there because his old junky car broke down?
I don't think that would ever the case, if he needed to get there, he would get there. I would be more afraid of a pastor coveting his sleep more than a burden or calling to come and pray.
In this vein, I have to take a step back and consider how I feel about pastors who send their underlings in the middle of the night to pray at the Hospital instead of going themselves...then bragging how they wake up at 2am to come to the church to pray.
I don't think a pastor owning things, boats, cars, campers, and homes is abuse. Conversely, pastors shouldn't feel they need to quantify the lack of their belongings in order to try and prove that they have taken an Apostolic vow of poverty in order to garner respect.
Frankly, it is none of anyone's business (except in the rare case of a leader breaking the law) what the pastor drives, where he lives, or how much he spends on suits.
I am so sick and tired of Apostolic Socialism.
I totally agree!!!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Look, I have been living extremely sacrificially for many years now. If you only knew the extent of it. I have given literally everything I have to God.
My house is small, my vehicle is a minivan that is seven years old, and my camper is a pop-up. The reason why I fish is because it is relaxing and cheap entertainment.
There is definitely abuse by some.
But sacrifice should be an equal opportunity Christian experience. We shouldn't demand leadership to sacrifice when laity isn't willing to either.
I think it's a crying SHAME that a pastor feels a need to post of his sacrificial living and post about his lack of finances on AFF.
Some one messed up and posted inside another post and now quotes are being attributed to the wrong people.
you guys need to edit some posts.
They need to take out the second name after [ quote] in their post.
For instance, a post will have [ quote=PastorPoster] [ quote=Ferd] and ending with one [/ quote], but while PP is the original poster, it will say Ferd said it cause he's the last name before the closing quotes.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!