It seems to me that the best places to stop gossip are on public forums. It is here that the truth and both sides of a story can be documented. This is real freedom of the press.
I agree the anonymous message boards can be a bad place for rumor and gossip. If people don't have to put their real names behind their accusations and statements, it seems to reason it would make it easier to put false stuff out. I get that part.
I do think that the Mods and Admins on this board do a good job of not allowing vicious attacks on people's character unless it's something that is publicly known. If it's already public info, then I'd say it's ok for a public forum.
This post #186 in this thread must have been overlooked because Moniker (anonymous) called Bro Scott Phillips a liar.
Reverend Philips,
You say you only want to help these men.
I don't believe you. You just want to punish them.
The only reason Ron wants to out posters is so that he can intimidate them into silence.
Reminds me of another poster who was famous for calling anonymous posters "cowards."
He would rail and rail and rail until he finally found out their real names.
Then he would take their posts to their pastors, District Boards and even their employers in order to shut them up.
EA, I honestly feel like this is pretty presumptive. There is nothing I've ever heard from Ron that would make intimidation the "only reason" he is saying what he's saying.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
The only reason Ron wants to out posters is so that he can intimidate them into silence.
Reminds me of another poster who was famous for calling anonymous posters "cowards."
He would rail and rail and rail until he finally found out their real names.
Then he would take their posts to their pastors, District Boards and even their employers in order to shut them up.
I don't intimidate anyone into silence!
(It would be nice)
As for doing the things mentioned above, nice try I do not operate that way.
I haven't done that when I had the goods on people & could have had thier license lifted & possibly criminal charges brought.
EA, I honestly feel like this is pretty presumptive. There is nothing I've ever heard from Ron that would make intimidation the "only reason" he is saying what he's saying.