12-24-2007, 08:31 PM
I Guess I Should Put Something Funny Here
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Clearwater, Florida
Posts: 81
Originally Posted by PraiseHymn
First off, let me start by saying I am new to the forum and this is my first Thread on here (so welcome me ). I had a few questions so that I could get rid of my misconceptions about the UPCI! Let me commend the UPCI for keeping the Apostolic standards as other oneness organizations are falling by the way side due to a lack of preaching the doctrines of the Lord Jesus Christ. Seemingly pastors are more eager to fill there congregations with people that want to hear about miracles and financial blessings then how to live a holy and sanctified life before the Lord.
Here are my questions. I have never been a member of a church that is majority white. All my life I have attended an African American church. Instead of Charismatic leaps for joy, we like to "cut a step" or "have church!" Instead of Holy Laughter we "jerk and quake and quicken" when the power of God falls in our services (I'm Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ). Currently my organization is NOT progressive at all, and its only a minority of us who want to progress into something that’s more then an emotional satisfying church service. I am thinking about joining a UPCI church when I move back to ATLANTA but am extremely afraid of how I will be received.
First thing first, as a male, I enjoy wearing facial hair. Can someone explain to me the "no facial hair" rule? The African American church has never had a problem with facial hair and well, I just don’t get it.
Next, I have 2 TV's! What in the world am I going to do with them if I join the UPCI. Sell them? Throw it away? And uh, after I do that, what are my alternatives for no longer watching TV? I have no problem with the tube, since I am Holy Ghost filled, I allow the Spirit of God to tell me what’s right and wrong to watch.
Finally, the black apostolic church has a misconception that the UPCI is a racist organization. Help me understand if this is true or not. How will I be received as a black male. I have a calling on my life and plan on getting ordained if I come over. I believe in wearing clergy collars and robes when I preach. (side bar). Uh, help me understand why I don’t see any African Americans in upper clergy positions in the organization.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I genuinely have a concern and just want to know first hand from people who might already be a part of this organization.
(by the way, I posted the same post over at GNC, just wanted to see what the folks at AFF had to say about this subject).
i doubt you would have a problem at all in the upc especially in atlanta area....however while some churches in the upc arent multi racial.....I know quite a few paw churches and church of God churches who dont have any mix at all...