Originally Posted by Timmy
Has it ever been explained why they're calling it a "summit"? The usual meaning of the term "summit meeting" is for leaders of various contingents (heads of state, e.g.), who are often at odds with each other over something, to get together and try to work out their differences.
I don't get the impression that this is the case for the Apostolic Summit.
Hmm. Given that the invitees are actually the ministers on the UPCI mailing list, I guess the contingents are the ministers' congregations. And the congregations do have some obvious "differences" to work out, don't they (or at least the ministers do)? So that must be it. They're going to sit around a big table and work it out. A summit. Yeah, that must be it!
And it must be more than just TV. After all, that would be a silly thing to spend many thousands of dollars on for a meeting, wouldn't it? No, there has to be more. Leggings on girls seems to be an important issue (over a 1000-post thread on AFF testifies to that). And maybe they'll come to a conclusion on whether pants will take a woman to hell (1300+ posts).
Oh yes, that's going to be a busy meeting, for sure. I hope it's very productive!