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Old 05-11-2007, 06:14 PM

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Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
Is this Bro. Epley?
who is bro. eplye? i am a newbie. just saw this thread first.
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Old 05-11-2007, 08:56 PM
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Psalms 132:1

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Originally Posted by PoorWiddleMe View Post
who is bro. eplye? i am a newbie. just saw this thread first.


A "newbie"???

Remember Jesus is watching.

DOCTOR Old Paths for all your spiritual needs.

STILL believing the same after all these years
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Old 05-12-2007, 09:01 AM
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I would post but since I have been abused so badly I do not have the strength.
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Old 05-12-2007, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
I would post but since I have been abused so badly I do not have the strength.
Yeah, you're looking pretty poorly!
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Old 05-13-2007, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by CareyM View Post
Yeah, you're looking pretty poorly!
Just got through grilling steaks for my wife for Mother's day so we are doing a might better.
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Old 05-13-2007, 03:43 PM

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This says it well~

The Rising Dangers of Spiritual Abuse

David M. Wasmundt

Autocratic personality types have long brought physical and emotional pain to the undiscerning masses. We see spiritual abuse in the name of religion on the rise and it is clear that spiritual forces of darkness are aligning themselves to wreak destruction as much as possible and where ever possible. Spiritual abuse, as in physical and emotional abuse has always been characterized by excessive control and manipulation of other people.

Spiritual abuse is harder to deal with because it is often cloaked with an exterior of morality and spirituality. But underneath various coats of self proclaimed piety you discover a hidden agenda of control and domination. The personality of the abuser can be either rigid or charismatic but the underlying thread of control is always there.

For example, cultish groups that are headed by various "god complex" leader’s with any number of titles that can also include sectarian pastors are guilty of dictating to their followers, including church congregations, everything they can wear, everywhere they can go and everything they can do for the most part. Not only is this control unnecessary, it is dangerous as it can eventually produce a “walk off the cliff with me” mentality that with time doesn’t seem that unreasonable to victims who have been conditioned by years of this spiritual totalitarian ethos.

You may wonder why so many people fall for this kind of abuse. One answer seems to indicate that when people come from dysfunctional family settings they often become easy prey for religious abusers who at first seem to offer them a sense of order, structure and security. Satan must delight in the many sincere people who have had their lives disrupted by authoritarian leadership. The abuser may even offer partial truth as an incentive to support their teachings but as time goes by the “wolf” eventually comes out as they expose their dark side of control and domination. Christ condemned the Pharisees who were masters at controlling people by adding their own preferences and traditions to the laws of God. He told them, “In vain do you worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Mt 15:9) Many of these commandments of men evolve into spiritual and emotional impediments that are equivalent to heavy yokes attached to people who are searching for God.

The bottom line seems to be that whether it be an individual, a pastor or an entire religious denomination, the manufacturing of unnecessary rules for the purpose of illegitimate control is nothing more than spiritual abuse plain and simple. The irony is that those that are being abused are not serving "Christ" but rather the abuser who is having his or her need for power and control fulfilled while dispensing out a delusional sense of security to their victims. For many trapped in religious affiliations, the church eventually becomes a nightmare of impossible demands and painful condemnation. It is only when the pain of the abused becomes greater than the fear of retribution from the "abuser" will the spiritually exploited person finally seek a way out of the web of spiritual abuse.

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Old 05-13-2007, 05:36 PM
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One definition of spiritual abuse is the "misuse of a position of power, leadership, or influence to further the selfish interests of someone other than the individual who needs help."
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Old 05-14-2007, 10:37 AM

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Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
So, Bro. Chan go read it in the ESV or the KJV, it is strong enough to to still carry the same point.

I'm still reading your book so you better be nice to me.
But I still wouldn't say it was spiritual abuse.
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Old 05-14-2007, 10:39 AM

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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I still dont know what needs to change here. everyone agrees that spiritual abuse happens and is bad.
Well, no, not everyone agrees that there even is such a thing as "spiritual abuse."

but some here have allowed that spiritual abuse to affect their walk with God and others had done their best to suggest that such a thing need not happen. Or at the very least, move forward with the healing process.
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:58 AM
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Last night I was talking to a woman who had been involved in a spiritually abusive church. I could not agree with her "standards" or rather, lack there-of. She is immodest and living with her boyfriend and cusses like a sailor. But, that didn't mean I couldn't have any compassion for what she had been through. I know what the church she cam out of is like to some degree. The pastor has long hair and I once saw him testify in court on the behalf of some nasty guy and I had question to his motive. The church is made up mostly of college students and they mostly look like hippies. She was telling me how they kicked her out for having sex with her boyfriend and how they make the girls wear long T-shirts so their mid-riffs don't show. Well, I couldn't necessarily find fault with that. BUt I still had compassion for her circumstances and tried to point her in a few right directions. One thing I did NOT do was say "Well!! If you weren't sleeping with your boyfriend, this never would have happened!!" Nope. It sounds like a flatly dysfunctional church. So, I told her that I have pretty traditional beliefs in that regard but that it sounds like there were some things out of whack. I tried to help her find her way. If I had found fault with her it would have done no good at all. It would have only pushed her further away from what she is looking for.
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