Re: I was asked to leave AMF for Apostolic Ministr
Originally Posted by Monterrey
So true, so true!
I have heard, unsubstantiated of course, that the AMF is full of gossipers and troublemakers and that Jon Alfaro and Unregistered have caused a lot of trouble over there!
I thought I would see what this Thread was about. I read to page 26 and lo and behold my NAME popped up, and WHY?
Originally Posted by SteppingStone
*Test 2*
- you got it!
I DON'T GET IT??????
No doubt said in jest, That is also how gossip get's started. I never heard of the AMF until I read this Thread, and if I had, would have thought it was some kind of lodge. (some on here are addicted to Capitol abbreviations, instead of typing who or what they are talking about)
And then they start talking about 'women preachers.” For the record, I'm not a preacher, nor even a teacher. I am nothing, I would be just a piece of dirt, without the Holy Ghost. But with the Holy Ghost living inside, I have HIS divine nature inside.
And with HIS Holy Spirit inside, I think HE is just as grieved at this Thread as I am. At many Threads on this Forum. However, that is no reason to ban them, it just shows the climate of the Church. (And if some will stay long enough maybe they or I will learn a thing or 2.)
And that is why I can't go to church. I went to a different one this morning and came home very discouraged. I feel like crying.
I thought I would see what this Thread was about. I read to page 26 and lo and behold my NAME popped up, and WHY?
I DON'T GET IT??????
No doubt said in jest, That is also how gossip get's started. I never heard of the AMF until I read this Thread, and if I had, would have thought it was some kind of lodge. (some on here are addicted to Capitol abbreviations, instead of typing who or what they are talking about)
And then they start talking about 'women preachers. For the record, I'm not a preacher, nor even a teacher. I am nothing, I would be just a piece of dirt, without the Holy Ghost. But with the Holy Ghost living inside, I have HIS divine nature inside.
And with HIS Holy Spirit inside, I think HE is just as grieved at this Thread as I am. At many Threads on this Forum. However, that is no reason to ban them, it just shows the climate of the Church. (And if some will stay long enough maybe they or I will learn a thing or 2.)
And that is why I can't go to church. I went to a different one this morning and came home very discouraged. I feel like crying.
You fell for an old AFF prank. There's code in the quotes that when anyone reads it, they see their name. I see my name above... not yours.
Re: I was asked to leave AMF for Apostolic Ministr
Originally Posted by renee819
THANKS, for letting me in on the joke.
But that doesn't explain what Monterrey wrote,
Yes it does explain it. It was a JOKE. Not to be taken seriously. Not having any intrinsic value other than to be funny. Everyone who reads that post saw their own name in it as per what David said
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
Yes it does explain it. It was a JOKE. Not to be taken seriously. Not having any intrinsic value other than to be funny. Everyone who reads that post saw their own name in it as per what David said
Re: I was asked to leave AMF for Apostolic Ministr
Originally Posted by Praxeas
Yes it does explain it. It was a JOKE. Not to be taken seriously. Not having any intrinsic value other than to be funny. Everyone who reads that post saw their own name in it as per what David said