Originally Posted by Aquila
Light, these guys are coolaid drinkers.
Your assessment of us is inaccurate. I can't stand McCain. Ever since I announced my intention to write in Ron Paul's name, I've been getting static from people near and far. Is it fair to wonder if your assessments about things political are equally accurate?
McCain could pick Kermit the Frog and they'd drool over it.
Kermit the frog is a proven leader and team player. He'd be an excellent choice.
McCain is putting you, your family, and me, and my family in grave danger.
Nevertheless, the media has selected
him to be our alternative to Obama. Don't you think a communist sympathizer, if not an outright COMMUNIST, will put us in grave danger, when Russia is on the march?
If something were to happen to him the most unqualified candidate in the race would become President.
I can't follow your math here. Palin has demonstrated leadership ability since
high school. The other three major players are
senators, which means that they are pompous, egotistical blowhards who are unconcerned with actual accomplishment. McCain's only saving grace is military experience, but that only very slightly mitigates things in his favor. He doesn't have true executive experience. Of the four names that will be on the major party tickets, Palin is the one most truly qualified to be chief executive. She is probably a far sight above average, and above the other three, in ability in selecting advisors to fill in the gaps in her expertise, such as foreign policy.
She'd be a pawn of the unelected "advisors".
Obama ALREADY IS a pawn - of the Democrat party. You are implying that advisors are a bad thing, here. They aren't. They certainly aren't as sinister as unelected bureaucrats with executive powers.
I'm as serious as a heart attack.
Taking all this too seriously is hazardous to your health. Relax, friend.
The important thing now is to re-defeat communism and islamic fascism. The Democrat party leadership has become increasingly sympathetic to these two deadly forces, to the point of promoting a candidate with explicit sympathies. If they hadn't wanted him, they could have sunk him in the starter's block by airing the stuff that they know the majority would find unpalatable. As it is, we didn't find out until
long after he was in the lead.
The way to re-defeat communism and islamic fascism is to support McCain/Palin.