Originally Posted by coadie
What does the bible say? Explain why the bible doesn't mention a single gay marriage
bump for aquila
The Bible isn't civil law. The Bible is given to govern the church... not the world. It relates to us... not sinful society. We are to live and abide by it's principles regardless as to what society accepts legally. There is no doubt that such marriages will not be accepted in biblical churches. So honestly, it doesn't mean anything accept that biblically a biblical church shouldn't recognize such unions among it's membership.
The conflict is that we are a free nation built on the presupposition that all men are created equal. That all men are to live free as long as they are not endangering the life, liberty, or property of another. That every man has a right to live free according to their conscience.
Just as biblical churches shouldn't accept those who remarry under unbiblical circumstances, neither should we accept gay marriage. However, who of us would advocate using the police power of Government to ban second marriages, unless it was proven that the one remarrying wasn't the offending party guilty of adultery in their first marriage?
As far as civil liberties are concerned... a couple can remarry regardless of the circumstances surrounding their first marriage and divorce. They are free individuals. I see gay marriage similarly. While churches will not recognize it, this is a free country.
I also feel that we exaust valuable time and resources trying to use the law to control other Americans we disagree with while we should be using our time and resources on reaching our world.
The best thing we can do for America is preach the Gospel. Politics is a modern return to law keeping to create a social righteousness that doesn't save when we should be cultivating individual righteousness that will save.