Coadie, the gay agenda means nothing. The church has been opposed by the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Islamic Caliphate, Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, Socialist Europe, and the list can go on and on. Most of the church's opponents can be found in the history books. As for the church... she's still alive and well.
I'll share my thoughts on the rest of it:
•“The government should provide protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, public accommodations and education just as protection is provided on race, creed, color, sex, or national origin”;
Good, that means that if I am desperate for work and the only employers taking applications are of a different orientation than myself, they can't discriminate either.
•“Anti-homophobic curriculum in the schools”;
I'd need to know how the define that.
"The government should ensure all public education programs include programs designed to combat lesbian/gay prejudice … Institutions that discriminate against lesbian and gay people should be denied tax-exempt status and federal funding.”
Public education programs shouldn't single out any group of people for hatred or discrimination. So I don't see an issue here. I do take issue with the notions of denying tax exempt status to PRIVATE organizations (such as churches) because of their theological position on this. This will find it's way into being a fight involving the freedom of association, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.
•“A massive [federal] AIDS education and prevention program that is explicit, culturally sensitive, lesbian and gay affirming and sex positive”;
We need an public education and prevention program. And it does need to address all practices to save lives. I'd argue private and Christian schools need not have this forced on them. I can see that as being a battle.
•“Public and private institutions should support parenting by lesbian or gay couples”;
There are already multitudes of gay parents. I'm not going to take a person's kids away from them based on who they choose to cohabitate with. Often the gay parent is FAR better qualified to have custody of their child or children than the straight parent. That's just the plain truth rather one likes it or not.
•All people must have access to free abortions and contraceptives on demand regardless of age.” (Strangely, abortion advocacy has long been part of the homosexual activist agenda.)
That's to secure liberal alliances. I'd keep this a different issue if at all possible.
Next part of the agenda is lowering age of consent or eliminating it.
Political suicide for their cause. They'll abandon it. Besides, it's only the "extreme" fringe who advocate this. Most gay parents that I know don't want this and would never support it.
Changing texts that mention mom dad etc and other words
That will go over like a led balloon.
Punishment of hate speech in conservitive churches, except Muslim of course.
We'd have to properly define hate speech. You and I should oppose hateful speech that advocates hatred, violence, abuse, or mistreatment of gay people too. We're Christians.
Most of the points you give are EXTREMES. On the far right you have those who would advocate public execution for those of alternative lifestyles. You'll see this primarily among the fundamentalist Theonomists and Christian Reconstructionists. Both extremes exist... we need to come together and prevent either side from getting their way.