Originally Posted by LUKE2447
I am confused by your reference to one God and one HS. ....
In my opinion
God is the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God.
There is one God and one Holy Spirit.
They are not two separate spirits.
They are the same Spirit.
Acts 5:3 Peter told Ananias that he had lied to the Holy Ghost.
Acts 5:4 Peter told Ananias that he had lied to God.
He did not mean that Ananias had lied to two separate spirits
but that in lying to the Holy Spirit he was lying to God
and in lying to God he was lying to the Holy Spirit.
Some times He is referred to by people as "God the Holy Ghost" and some times as "God the Father."
Over 50 years ago, I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life. I believe He did. He came in as the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Now, I can say Jesus lives in my heart, or I can say God lives in my heart, or I can say the Holy Spirit lives in my heart. I can use those terms interchangeably. I do not believe that God lives in my heart as three spirits but as one. He is God and He is the Holy Spirit and His name is Jesus.
All I was saying was that God moved in, upon, and through people in the Old Testament just like He does in the New Testament. However, under the Old Testament we do not read about any manifestation of "speaking with tongues/languages" like we do some times when God moves in, upon, and through people in this New Testament/Covenant.