Originally Posted by Sean
I agree, God has a voice. His voice is inseparable from Him. It is the working part of creation. I t is like the hands used by a builder.
Why do you insert commentary into the text about this "voice" thing?
Let's just stay with the Scripture, okay?
So, the Word, WHO was God, was made flesh. So WHO (not "what") was made flesh? That's right, the Word. And who was this Word? GOD.
So the Word, who was God, who made everything that was made, was made flesh and dwelt among us.
Who was in the beginning, and made everything, Sean?
According to Moses, that would be God (
Genesis 1:1). And we know that God is the LORD who made everything ALL BY HIMSELF (
Isaiah 44:24).
So the only One, who was in the beginning, who made everything all by Himself, who is called the LORD and Jehovah, that's who the Word was.
And that's who was made flesh.