Originally Posted by coadie
Pelthais offered the Archaeopterex. They claim it is from 150 million years ago. If we accept no geneology continuity ok. Then it is claimed birds came from dinos 69 million years ago. Where are the birdies in between?
It looks like someone is 80 million years off on dates. nuance.
80 million year gaposis. No wonder Zerubabel is a big deal. a very big deal. It is a distraction.
It's a question that you can't answer and it shows the utter failure of your method of Fundamentalist Literalism.
And, just because you don't understand the fossil record and have refused to even consider its implications, it doesn't also mean that there's some sort of "problem" with it.
The problem is with YOU.
We see it in the way you mash and mangle the Scriptures and refuse to even look closely at the words on the very pages of the Bible itself. We also see how you refuse to look at the evidence and the testimony of the fossil record.
Such refusals are no big deal, really. You'd just be another crank out there somewhere with plenty of company. However, you have brought your bile here to AFF. That requires a response.
Now answer the "Zerubbabel Question," or admit that you can't.