Originally Posted by StMark
~ ~ ~ QUESTIONS ~ ~ ~
Why do the conservatives avoid this topic like the plauge yet still enforce this as rule of fellowship and even salvation?? I'm not getting it!
I can name a long list of women on this forum who wear dresses only but wouldn't dare discuss it. WHY????????????????? I don't get that!
Is it because they don't know why they do it ???
You all have to understand that it was engrained in my genes. boys don't wear dresses and skirts and little girls have their own things they wear and don't wear. I'm trying to get use to the idea that it's left up to the individual to decide. no more cultural distinctions are necessary.
I also find it hyprocritical that most of you would allow your girls to wear jeans that still LOOK and PERTAIN to a boys pants but would freak out if the boy wore the jean jumper... made for a male of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
St. Matt, I hope you will realy step back for a moment and rethink your logic in the part of your post I have highlighted.
There is as much difference in mens pants and women's pants as there is in mens shirts and womens blouses.
Your example of being hypocritical is not valid because there are styles within types of clothing that culturally at this time are worn by one sex and not the other.
For example capri pants are a female subgroup within "pants" as apparel. In the case of capri's they are a female version of pants.
Your logic does not hold. For one to say there is no biblical injunction against a woman wearing slacks does not mean one cannot have objection to a man wearing women's clothing whether it is a dress or a form of pants like carpi
s that are feminine.
You are the perfect example of conditioning when it comes to this subject. Good ole circular logic!