I've heard horror stories regarding "reparative therapy". I'd much rather have patience with them and allow the love of God to do the work in their lives that God desires to do. Man's therapies have often been thought of as beneficial only to find out later that it was mentally, emotionally, or spiritually damaging. One can never go wrong by just trusting God. After all... isn't that what the church has done for centuries before all this Christian pop-psychology stuff?
Rumors. Wow. Relapse is a factor in alcohol therapy also.
Gays have a very powerfull drive to claim reparative therapy is detrimental. It is called self justification.
It a gay goes into therapy, the tempter is there with him.
How are you coming with studies that are blind and objective to claim "damage"?
Gays can be treated by being delivered.
Sexual addiction is very difficult to treat. Sexual misconduct triggers endorphins.
Rumors. Wow. Relapse is a factor in alcohol therapy also.
Gays have a very powerfull drive to claim reparative therapy is detrimental. It is called self justification.
The drive is theologically defined as just another part of man's sinful nature. It's not news at 11.
It a gay goes into therapy, the tempter is there with him.
True, and his or her flesh will always be with them.
How are you coming with studies that are blind and objective to claim "damage"?
Coadie, I read the personal story of a Baptist pastor from Indiana (or Illinois, it was an "I" state) who's son was gay. They put their son through "reparative therapy" and tried to strongly encourage him to battle his inclinations. The young man wrote a heart breaking letter to his parents about his struggle to control his inclinations and then killed himself. His body lays cold in a graveyard today. THESE ARE PEOPLE. Not cattle. They are souls... not diseased people you need to round up and treat. There are many articles, studies, and concerns you can Google about reparative therapy. I suggest you pray, get the mind of Christ, and review them. Had this pastor and his famil took the approach of mercy, grace, patience, and understanding... allowing GOD to change the young man or deal with him in His own time and manner, perhaps this young person would be alive today.
Gays can be treated by being delivered.
I suggest we preach the Gospel and allow the Word of God and God himself to deal with them as the Spirit chooses. When we tinker under the hood, it's like going to MacDonald's and taking one of their employees to a surgery, handing them a scalpel and saying, "Start cutting." Psychologists don't truly know what they are tampering with when they get into your head. God does. Prayer, mercy, grace, patience, and love will win the day. Get the "doctors" and quack "experts" who are just experimenting with PEOPLE away from them.
Sexual addiction is very difficult to treat. Sexual misconduct triggers endorphins.
God set the foundation for family in Genesis 1-3.
We can't find a gay led family in the bible. None. Can't find a gay prophet or saint.
Coadie, we don't know what sinful inclinations and temptations that anyone in the Bible had. We also don't know every fall, moment of weakness, or mistep they may have had. We also don't know what their childhood experiences or experiments were like. But I'm sure they had the same experiences and temptations most of us have today. Please note, most of the holiest men of the Bible had more than one wife and/or concubines. They are regarded as "holy" and "faithful" men. The sexual ethics of the Bible are highly misunderstood by Western culture. We have a "Puritanical" view of sexual ethics and sexuality that would condemn nearly every holy man of God in the Bible.
What we do see is a loving God using terribly flawed and broken vessels.
I do know of a prophet who married a prostitute. lol
God set the foundation for family in Genesis 1-3.
We can't find a gay led family in the bible. None. Can't find a gay prophet or saint.
I agree , I know People who claim to be gay and have got some opposition from them. I love them as people and people are not the sin . I try to show them truth that Jesus can save anyone it does not matter the sin , Most do not believe the Word . I have gotten Opposition from those who are not gay but sympathize with them .......... The biggest problem is People do not believe the Bible is the truth.............That is what I run into the most. UNBELIEF !!!!!!!!!!
Coadie, we don't know what sinful inclinations and temptations that anyone in the Bible had. We also don't know every fall, moment of weakness, or mistep they may have had. We also don't know what their childhood experiences or experiments were like. But I'm sure they had the same experiences and temptations most of us have today. Please note, most of the holiest men of the Bible had more than one wife and/or concubines. They are regarded as "holy" and "faithful" men. The sexual ethics of the Bible are highly misunderstood by Western culture. We have a "Puritanical" view of sexual ethics and sexuality that would condemn nearly every holy man of God in the Bible.
What we do see is a loving God using terribly flawed and broken vessels.
I do know of a prophet who married a prostitute. lol
Actually the bible disagrees with you. In the New testament, lusting after a woman is adultery. Abram paid for sex with the bond slave. Jacob had a dysfunctional family with 4 mothers and a dozen kids. who said there waren't consequences. Jacob missed Joseph. The sale to slavery was done by a half brother. Talk about punishment thinking your son is dead for years.
I see moral relativism and self justification is alive and well in the libeeral worldviews.
Coadie, we don't know what sinful inclinations and temptations that anyone in the Bible had. We also don't know every fall, moment of weakness, or mistep they may have had. We also don't know what their childhood experiences or experiments were like. But I'm sure they had the same experiences and temptations most of us have today. Please note, most of the holiest men of the Bible had more than one wife and/or concubines. They are regarded as "holy" and "faithful" men. The sexual ethics of the Bible are highly misunderstood by Western culture. We have a "Puritanical" view of sexual ethics and sexuality that would condemn nearly every holy man of God in the Bible.
What we do see is a loving God using terribly flawed and broken vessels.
I do know of a prophet who married a prostitute. lol
I do not believe that God wanted men to have more than one Wife [ living] God did allow it though. And it can be argued that lineage of Jesus had Adultery in it { David } Sex is a huge weapon that Satan uses , One reason is because He is jealous that we can procreate.
Actually the bible disagrees with you. In the New testament, lusting after a woman is adultery. Abram paid for sex with the bond slave. Jacob had a dysfunctional family with 4 mothers and a dozen kids. who said there waren't consequences. Jacob missed Joseph. The sale to slavery was done by a half brother. Talk about punishment thinking your son is dead for years.
In spite of all of that, they are just revered as very holy and faithful men. Especially Abraham. The dysfunction was largely do to sin nature, most monogamous families are dysfunctional on some level. lol
You'll notice that God describes the blessings he gave David... and God included "wives" in that list. God also said he would have granted David more if David had asked.
You're making my point... you're imposing a puritanical view on the Scriptures that isn't consistant with the actual culture and perspective in which the Scriptures were written. No where does the Bible say that polygamy is a "sin". In fact, God's Law allows for it, regulates it, and in some cases even demands it.
I see moral relativism and self justification is alive and well in the libeeral worldviews.