Originally Posted by ForeverBlessed
awesome post.
I found I also needed some convictions in my life as well... still not quite as conservative as most UPC, but found I grew colder without restrictions on lifestyle issues.
Totally agree that we need to be united and quit focusing on the outward appearance of each other... just accept as brother/sister.... we have a world that needs saved.
I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to have great men and women of God in my family, both COG and Apostolic, that taught me purity of heart and life are what brings the power of the Holy Ghost. That power is our soul protector that will prevent us from falling and being lost in these last days.
I'm thankful to see that the Lord has moved in your life and I glorify him for his mercy and goodness to both of us.
Love is what God is and how can we call ourselves Christians when we don't love one another and operate in his love?