Originally Posted by Jeanie
It kinda makes sense to me in a way...
it was a matter of vision or television, People who want tv have a vision of growth in their churches while the others-the issue is the tv
and it is true the TV did take the united out of The United Pentecostal Church.
So you are saying that anyone that has a personal conviction about TV has no vision?
Mighty judgmental today aren't we? Or is that stereotyping? condescending?
All of the above?
What about before the resolution, was everyone lacking vision then?
How about the churches who are currently in building programs, and determined to double drives, and more daughter works ongoing than you can count on two hands, and Bible study pushes, and outreach programs, and parking lot extensions....... but have convictions against TV.
So if they are doing ALL that, but don't believe in TV, they have no vision?