Originally Posted by CC1
Wholeheareted, I was just joking around. I knew what you meant. Most churches have the baptismal in a prominent place in the rear center.
It is unusual to not see a baptistery in a Pentecostal church. It would be interesting to hear what the thought was about this.
As best I recollect the bible does not teach that baptism has to be public so perhaps they have decided to have a baptistery away from the sanctuary. It does seem counter intuitive though for a church who has as one of its main distinctives the mode of baptism.
The church we built in AR had the baptistery to one side. Nothing wrong with that. I may do it here in our new building.
I know of two churches that needed more room and remodeled and put the baptistry in the back. One was up high in the back the other right in the middle of the back wall.
Several of the older churches that I went to in AR had the baptistery in the basement fellowship hall.
It is just a little unusual in the large moder churches for the baptistery not to be right up in the middle.