My daughter has been accepted for the student ambassador program and this coming June she will be going to... Paris, London, Wales, Belgium, and one other place... she is so excited and I am so jealous!!! LOL
When I was 17 years old I spent 5 weeks in England, France, Italy, and Greece. It was an amazing experience that I cherish to this day.
I was not able to travel with my kids as much as I would have liked while they were growing up but they saw some of America and when the boys were teens we took them on a transatlantic crossing by ship to England and then spent 10 day there. That same summer my daughter spent a month or two in France on business so she also got a taste of foreign travel
I think those are life changing experiences and I am excited your daughter is about to gon on this adventure.
When I was 17 years old I spent 5 weeks in England, France, Italy, and Greece. It was an amazing experience that I cherish to this day.
I was not able to travel with my kids as much as I would have liked while they were growing up but they saw some of America and when the boys were teens we took them on a transatlantic crossing by ship to England and then spent 10 day there. That same summer my daughter spent a month or two in France on business so she also got a taste of foreign travel
I think those are life changing experiences and I am excited your daughter is about to gon on this adventure.
I too am excited for her! The good thing too about this is that all her siblings are grandfathered into the program so now they will have the same chances too even if their grades arent as up to par as the program requires... (whew thats been a rough one this year!!!) LOL I have the one who was failing making straight A's and the other 2 who normally ace everything struggling with everything right now... change has not done well with them this time!
I know what to do.Go down at Christmas and buy as many firecrackers
as a million bucks can afford and we will tie them together in a huge
bundle and launch it from the roof of your house.I am sure you will
make it to the moon.You can take your cell phone and tell us if its really
made of cheese and if the man in the moon still has that cow that jumped
over him one time.
My daughter has been accepted for the student ambassador program and this coming June she will be going to... Paris, London, Wales, Belgium, and one other place... she is so excited and I am so jealous!!! LOL
My youngest daughter took a Global Perspectives trip to study Art History in Italy this past summer with a group from her college. They visited 7 cities while she was there. It was an amazing experience for her. She hopes to go to Cambridge her senior year.
She has been to Mexico on a missions trip and her sister went to Guatemala on a missions trip several years ago.
I love the fact that they have gotten to go, do, and see places that I may not get the opportunity to.
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
I want to go to Spain, Athens, and Greece. I would love to go to Australia. And as far as United States travels, I so want to do a New England vacation!
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
When I went to Italy for a couple of weeks as a teenager I loved it. The food was wonderful and the sightseeing cool to. In Itay I got to do the following;
1. Climbed the leaning tower of Pisa
2. Visited Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvious
3. Visited the Island of Capri and the Blue Grotto there.
4. Visited Asissi (sp) and the great old church there that later was destroyed
in an earthquake.
5. Visited Venice
6. Visited Florence
7. Visited Rome and al of the cool things there inclduing the catacombs, Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Colliseum, etc.
8. Visited the Popes summer home outside Rome at some Lake and was blessed by the Pope in his courtyard (along with a few hundred more folks
jammed in there).
When I went to Italy for a couple of weeks as a teenager I loved it. The food was wonderful and the sightseeing cool to. In Itay I got to do the following;
1. Climbed the leaning tower of Pisa
2. Visited Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvious
3. Visited the Island of Capri and the Blue Grotto there.
4. Visited Asissi (sp) and the great old church there that later was destroyed
in an earthquake.
5. Visited Venice
6. Visited Florence
7. Visited Rome and al of the cool things there inclduing the catacombs, Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Colliseum, etc.
8. Visited the Popes summer home outside Rome at some Lake and was blessed by the Pope in his courtyard (along with a few hundred more folks
jammed in there).
I'm soooo jealous. I will go one day! I believe it! I claim it! In Jesus Name!
__________________ Don' Take Your Organs to Heaven!
Unlimited money ? In that case I'd buy a million dollar cabin on a Canadian lake.
Then I'd hope in my float plane and fly to fish a different remote lake everyday.
You are both wrong! that is mine I tell ya!
Kamchatka Russia.
this is a land the size of California where 1/3 of the pacific salmon spawn. there are litteraly thousands of rivers in this part of Russia that have NEVER EVER been fished. There are stealhead trout over 3 feet long and salmon of every size and kind.
i would fish as many of these rivers as humanly possible and then hunt brown bear. the largest browns live here too.
then I would just move to Alaska and buy my own river and fish every day.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!