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Old 10-06-2007, 12:44 PM
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I love and support change in the UPC!

Originally Posted by The Dean View Post
Yipee! Another anti-UPC thread that serves no real purpose other than to be an anti-UPC thread.

This a pro- UPCI thread in hope for good change!

Old 10-06-2007, 01:00 PM
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Dumb thread . . .
Old 10-06-2007, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
Where there are no standards chaos if king. Why I would imagine you actually have some standards in your life...........:sshhh
Following a written rule is a far cry from allowing the Spirit to change your nature so as to disallow you from doing something. Nothing wrong with concern over appearances. The Bible teaches modesty. But to have written rules is the problem. It disables people and does not encourage seeking God to change one's heart. Following a written rule in order to live right is a counterfeit of the Spirit's work, and is actually useless. If it's still in the heart.... that is how God judges us.

God wants us to live right, but it cannot be born of flesh by way, for example, of following written rules, or "standards". It must be a work of the Spirit.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Old 10-06-2007, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve View Post
Dumb thread . . .
Old 10-06-2007, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Following a written rule is a far cry from allowing the Spirit to change your nature so as to disallow you from doing something. Nothing wrong with concern over appearances. The Bible teaches modesty. But to have written rules is the problem. It disables people and does not encourage seeking God to change one's heart. Following a written rule in order to live right is a counterfeit of the Spirit's work, and is actually useless. If it's still in the heart.... that is how God judges us.

God wants us to live right, but it cannot be born of flesh by way, for example, of following written rules, or "standards". It must be a work of the Spirit.
Old 10-06-2007, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by COOPER View Post

I love that UPCI is changing!

Many good folks will be going back if the cruel cons are gone.
First of all I need to say it is changing, but not necessarily to get rid of all the standards you don't like.

Second, can we can the hate rhetoric already? It gets old
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Old 10-06-2007, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Following a written rule is a far cry from allowing the Spirit to change your nature so as to disallow you from doing something. Nothing wrong with concern over appearances. The Bible teaches modesty. But to have written rules is the problem. It disables people and does not encourage seeking God to change one's heart. Following a written rule in order to live right is a counterfeit of the Spirit's work, and is actually useless. If it's still in the heart.... that is how God judges us.

God wants us to live right, but it cannot be born of flesh by way, for example, of following written rules, or "standards". It must be a work of the Spirit.
Please make sure to throw your bible away.

Old 10-06-2007, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by COOPER View Post

I love that UPCI is changing!

Many good folks will be going back if the cruel cons are gone.
Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
sounds to me like you still have not gotten over that bitterness.

I rest my case.
Old 10-06-2007, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
Please make sure to throw your bible away.

Do you really consider the New Testament to be set of written rules like the Law? Bro, that is the whole issue in Romans 7.

The issue is righteousness.

The bible contains LAW and New Testament. The entire concept of the New testament is that LAW's means of righteousness does not work. Law is THOU SHALT NOT. If we believe the New Testament is a set of rules as the Law is, then we have missed something huge. The entire concept of walking after the Spirit is seeing the Spirit change our hearts by writing law in them. This causes our natures to change so as to not dare think to do certain things.

As I said, when we obey rules that are written on paper then it is flesh accomplishing something. When the New Testament says anything about our lifestyle, and lifestyle is the issue, it is saying this is what occurs when you are properly being led of the Spirit. We are not to mimmick the work of the Spirit by blindly obeying any written rules. We must never turn the New Testament into another Old Testament set of rules.

At this point, everyone asks, "Does this mean we can sin?"... as though obeying written rules is the only way to speak against sin. That is the same question Paul was always challenged with when he was misunderstood in his teachings of grace. God forbid.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Old 10-06-2007, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Do you really consider the New Testament to be set of written rules like the Law?

The issue is righteousness.

The bible contains LAW and New Testament. The entire concept of the New testament is that LAW's means of righteousness does not work. Law is THOU SHALT NOT. If we believe the New Testament is a set of rules as the Law is, then we have missed something huge. The entire concept of walking after the Spirit is seeing the Spirit change our hearts by writing law in them. This causes our natures to change so as to not dare think to do certain things.

As I said, when we obey rules that are written on paper then it is flesh accomplishing something. When the New Testament says anything about our lifestyle, anhd loifestyle is the issue, it is saying this is what occurs when you are properly being led of the Spirit. We are not to mimick the work of the Spirit by blindly obeying any written rules. We must never turn the New Testament into another Old Testament set of rules.

Does this mean we sin? That is the same question Paul was always challenged with when he was misunderstood in his teachings of grace. God forbid.
HAHAHA!!!! I knew I would get you going a little. I do understand your post, Bro, and agree that all the written law in the heavens and earth will matter little to a man if they are not written upon the tables of his heart.
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