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Old 09-20-2007, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Not too sure really. The truth is the ALJC is much like the UPCI on some things. If a person/organization like NCO/AWCF takes a stand against legalism and such the ALJC and UPCI come out with their fists up ready to fight. I know there were some ALJC people that were against the "Passion" movie. I know some UPCI churches that showed the movie on their big screens over the platform. Some I am sure that the unknown or the new thing is always going to be resisted by those that do not know the details.
Something isn't right here...The UPCI is Legalist or they are not?
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Old 09-20-2007, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Something isn't right here...The UPCI is Legalist or they are not?
Most of them are. Not all. All I am trying to say is that alot of people in the ALJC and UPCI are sold on their denominations, but the NCO is anti-denominational. Some UPCers and ALJCers are ready fight if someone is critical of their movement.
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Old 09-20-2007, 05:05 PM

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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Most of them are. Not all. All I am trying to say is that alot of people in the ALJC and UPCI are sold on their denominations, but the NCO is anti-denominational. Some UPCers and ALJCers are ready fight if someone is critical of their movement.
Broad(self serving and self satisfying) Brush Alert!

Your perversion of reality is amazing to me at times JT!
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Old 09-20-2007, 05:07 PM
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Wow! I had no idea Suber was a Prophet. How come Kenneth Phillips is just a pastor and Suber is a Prophet?
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Old 09-20-2007, 05:08 PM

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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Wow! I had no idea Suber was a Prophet. How come Kenneth Phillips is just a pastor and Suber is a Prophet?
hear ReveREND Ike say it like this... "it's different strokes for different folks!"
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Old 09-20-2007, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
I was reading something on the NCO website or other and I got the impression that Suber was disappointed more didn't join him in leaving the UPC...
I don't think you have to leave the UPC (or any other organization) to join the NCO or AWCF. Aren't they just fellowships?
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Old 09-20-2007, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
Broad(self serving and self satisfying) Brush Alert!

Your perversion of reality is amazing to me at times JT!
Say What? Dude have you not ever met a UPCer or ALJCer, alot of them are Elitist and Legalist. It is my opinion. You may not think so and you have a right to be wrong. How do I have a perversion of reality? Those that are in the way need to get out of the way and see without and notice that they are living an Elitist and Legalistic life toward others. Case in point is the man that confronted Keith4Him. That guy many not speak for all in the UPC or ALJC, but he speaks the same language as most. Infact, your statements show that you my friend have a perverison of the truth. Your statements make it seem as if you are an elitist. If someone believes contray to you then they have the truth screwed up as if there is no chance you are wrong. Bro. I do not know you, but by some of what I have seen you say makes me think about ever fellowhipping ya. Sorry.

There is a guy that pastors in this state and he is a very, very conservative and he against everything. I guess he is against having people in his church too cause their is only a hand full of people there and anyone that comes in needs to meet requirements asap or they are asked to leave. Elitist and legalist.

I was not painting with a broad brush to include everyone. You have to know I was in the ALJC for 10 yrs and UPC for the past 6 yrs. So I have seen both sides of the fence. There are alot of men that are elitist and legalist. You may not be one of them, but it seems as if the bad apples seem to stink the worst.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 09-20-2007, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Most of them are. Not all. All I am trying to say is that alot of people in the ALJC and UPCI are sold on their denominations, but the NCO is anti-denominational. Some UPCers and ALJCers are ready fight if someone is critical of their movement.
I agree with your sentiments about legalism, it's a bad thing. However for UPC and ALJC people to stick up for their orgs isn't really "legalism." Their response is to be expected and is simply part of the give and take that exists.

On another point, I too am a little troubled by the use/misuse of titles. In academic quarters a person with a PhD doesn't usually call themselves "Dr." Someone with a PhD from an unrecognized or "nontraditional" institution doesn't usually even bring it up.

"Bishops" in the New Testament were ordained as bishops. The term can be used in a technical sense like "overseer;" but in the NT the bishops were ordained by either the Apostles or their designated representatives. Basically, to qualify as a "Bishop" you had to be ordained as such by a recognized authority; sort of like being called a "Dr." in the paragraph above.

For "prophet", let me see your track record. 100% accuracy is required.
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Old 09-20-2007, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
... makes me think about ever fellowhipping ya. Sorry.
Typos are inevitable- but sometimes they are Freudian too. I wonder which this one is? Sorry, just had to laugh. I'm sure Phil has had his share of fellowhipping along with the fellowshipping.
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Old 09-20-2007, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Typos are inevitable- but sometimes they are Freudian too. I wonder which this one is? Sorry, just had to laugh. I'm sure Phil has had his share of fellowhipping along with the fellowshipping.
That typo could have been a lot worse.
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