Last night I was given this photo to share with you. It was found among the belongs of Keith's grandfather Rev.Daniel C. Orr he was one of the Missions Director in the Virgina Area in the 1970's.
We can name a few of the gentlemen, can you recognize any of the ministers?
It would be great to know who the others are!
Rev. Daniel C Orr is in the 3rd row (the first being the one in front) and 3rd from the right.
We also see Bro Craft in the front row the 1st one to the left.
Middle row 4th person is Newstrand...5th to the right is Williams
Is the second from the right on the front row J.T. Pugh?
That is not JT Pugh.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
I think my Pastor is the third from the left on the front row. He was Missions Director of Indiana at the time and eventually became a Missionary (right after that, in fact) to Brazil.
That is how I remember Bro. Johnson... He looked exactly the same in 1977 when I met him in Guatemala. This must have been in 1973 or 1974.