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Old 06-30-2007, 10:42 PM
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A few yrs. ago there were ALJC ministers in AL. who got the boot ,because they were not in compliance with the org.articles of faith.
One in particular was not in compliance with The ALJC Holiness standards.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 07-01-2007, 01:38 AM
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I didn't make it to the conference this year (being part of the okla. dist. of the ALJC),
but according to the website, this is our current leadership on the national level.

Executive Officers:
General Superintendent:
Robert Martin
General Secretary:
Roger Gray
Assistant Superintendents:
Mark McCool - Southern Region Representative
Danny St Clair - Northern Region Representative
David King - Western Region Representative
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Old 07-01-2007, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
CC1, you present a great question. Since I attended an ALJC chuch I have alittle bit of knowledge here. The ALJC has grow alot, but they also subtract alot too. You mention that there is alot of defection to the UPC from the ALJC. I am sure there are several reasons, but I will list a couple I have heard. First, since the UPC is the largest of the oneness orgs and are notorious at only having "in company" preachers do their conferences and etc some of the ALJCers want to move to the UPC to broaden their scope of churches to preach at. Second, in alot of area there are only UPC churches and not many ALJC churches to fellowship.

One reason why I think there has not been many defections to the ALJC is that for alot of the UPC they are quietly taught the ALJC is the ugly duckling or the "non-conformist." So when they do leave the UPC they just go independant so they can now set their own rules. The ALJC is more conservative that alot of people think. Other than oking the tv stuff some of the ALJC churches are more conservative than some UPC churches. Some people that may deside to leave the UPC may just be sooooo feed up with organizations that they just want to stay away altogether.
Excellent points.
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Old 07-01-2007, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
CC1, you present a great question. Since I attended an ALJC chuch I have alittle bit of knowledge here. The ALJC has grow alot, but they also subtract alot too. You mention that there is alot of defection to the UPC from the ALJC. I am sure there are several reasons, but I will list a couple I have heard. First, since the UPC is the largest of the oneness orgs and are notorious at only having "in company" preachers do their conferences and etc some of the ALJCers want to move to the UPC to broaden their scope of churches to preach at. Second, in alot of area there are only UPC churches and not many ALJC churches to fellowship.

One reason why I think there has not been many defections to the ALJC is that for alot of the UPC they are quietly taught the ALJC is the ugly duckling or the "non-conformist." So when they do leave the UPC they just go independant so they can now set their own rules. The ALJC is more conservative that alot of people think. Other than oking the tv stuff some of the ALJC churches are more conservative than some UPC churches. Some people that may deside to leave the UPC may just be sooooo feed up with organizations that they just want to stay away altogether.
What would those 'conservative points' be pray tell????????????? This should be interesting? Are we speaking of the same ALJC that had the meeting in Indy????
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Old 07-01-2007, 09:12 PM
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I remember when Robert Martin was the National Youth Leader, and Danny St Clair was just an evangelist.

I am getting old....
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Old 07-01-2007, 10:01 PM
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we can see the white snow on your beard...
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Old 07-02-2007, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
What would those 'conservative points' be pray tell????????????? This should be interesting? Are we speaking of the same ALJC that had the meeting in Indy????
Yes. It depends on the church like it does in the UPC. The Church I was raised in was the most conservative church I have been in except they have a tv broadcast for outreach. But the Pastor is just about the very most conservative that I have seen. Now of course there are way left fielders in the UPC, but there is alot on Mods and Libs that some of the ALJC brotheren pass up in convictions.
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Old 07-02-2007, 08:28 AM
AGAPE AGAPE is offline
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Originally Posted by nwlife View Post
I didn't make it to the conference this year (being part of the okla. dist. of the ALJC),
but according to the website, this is our current leadership on the national level.

Executive Officers:
General Superintendent:
Robert Martin
General Secretary:
Roger Gray
Assistant Superintendents:
Mark McCool - Southern Region Representative
Danny St Clair - Northern Region Representative
David King - Western Region Representative

IS David King the same one that calls himself "King David"??? used to be in Florida??
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Old 07-02-2007, 12:52 PM

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My father in law is an ALJC pastor. The area where he is located, there is not much fellowship. He usually goes to UPC Gen Conf and ALJC Gen Conf. From my viewpoint on the ALJC, they are not very organized on a local level.
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Old 07-02-2007, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Buffy View Post
My father in law is an ALJC pastor. The area where he is located, there is not much fellowship. He usually goes to UPC Gen Conf and ALJC Gen Conf. From my viewpoint on the ALJC, they are not very organized on a local level.
So areas are very, very organized. However the idea behind the ALJC was the same as it was suppose to be behind the UPC. ALJC is more a fellowship than an organization. Even though they run like an organization the idea is to keep it as close to a fellowship than a legalistic organization.
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