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Old 02-16-2018, 08:59 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
I mean that it doesn't seem to me that Bro. Tenney sees trinitarians as outside the body of Christ. He doesn't seem to be overly concerned with the propagation of false doctrine by many or the disregard for holiness by many. Therefore, his influence on many young ministers, and older ministers alike is quite concerning. The fact that his son has left the faith but has a ministry that is still fully endorsed by his parents is a concern as well.

That's all.
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Old 02-16-2018, 09:46 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

For those who were unable to see it, here is the full telecast.

TBN "Praise" with Tony Suarez, Jentezen Franklin and Anthony Mangun
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Old 02-16-2018, 12:38 PM
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
I mean that it doesn't seem to me that Bro. Tenney sees trinitarians as outside the body of Christ. He doesn't seem to be overly concerned with the propagation of false doctrine by many or the disregard for holiness by many. Therefore, his influence on many young ministers, and older ministers alike is quite concerning. The fact that his son has left the faith but has a ministry that is still fully endorsed by his parents is a concern as well.

That's all.
It’s called Pentecostal/Charismatic Ecumenicalism.
It is the confusion caused when we become nicer than Jesus and Paul.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 02-16-2018, 01:21 PM
consapente89 consapente89 is offline
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
It’s called Pentecostal/Charismatic Ecumenicalism.
It is the confusion caused when we become nicer than Jesus and Paul.
Even honey bees are smart enough to practice floral fidelity.

I'll keep getting my nectar from Apostolic Pentecost.
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Old 02-16-2018, 02:13 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
I mean that it doesn't seem to me that Bro. Tenney sees trinitarians as outside the body of Christ. He doesn't seem to be overly concerned with the propagation of false doctrine by many or the disregard for holiness by many. Therefore, his influence on many young ministers, and older ministers alike is quite concerning. The fact that his son has left the faith but has a ministry that is still fully endorsed by his parents is a concern as well.

That's all.
Do you know the man?

"It doesn't seem to me." What an absurd and repugnant post.

"It doesn't seem to me."

What, because TF flew to counsel a Pastor and family who wasn't Oneness, "it didn't seem to" you that he "sees Trinitarians as outside the body of Christ?" Are we only supposed to pray, love or counsel those who only believe the same as we do? Where is this in the Bible?

So because TF had compassion for a Pastor who wasn't Oneness, "it didn't seem" to you that he's concerned about disregard for holiness or propagation of false doctrine?

And because he's had the audacity to show compassion to a Trinitarian Pastor, you're "concerned" about his influence over other Onesness ministers.

What planet are you from???

Again, do you know TF Tenney? Has he written or preached anything which has led you to believe the accusations you've flung at him?

I've read his books and listened to him preach at various camp meetings and conferences and not once has he watered down holiness or Oneness.

And this bit where you're "concerned" that they still support their son, Tommy -- do you have children? Do you know Tommy? Should they just cut him off and shun him?

What an absurd and repugnant post!
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Old 02-16-2018, 02:13 PM
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Since I never watch religious television programming, who appears on such channels is of no concern to me.
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Old 02-16-2018, 03:13 PM
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
Even honey bees are smart enough to practice floral fidelity.

I'll keep getting my nectar from Apostolic Pentecost.
That'll preach

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 02-16-2018, 03:25 PM
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Do you know the man?

"It doesn't seem to me." What an absurd and repugnant post.

"It doesn't seem to me."

What, because TF flew to counsel a Pastor and family who wasn't Oneness, "it didn't seem to" you that he "sees Trinitarians as outside the body of Christ?" Are we only supposed to pray, love or counsel those who only believe the same as we do? Where is this in the Bible?

So because TF had compassion for a Pastor who wasn't Oneness, "it didn't seem" to you that he's concerned about disregard for holiness or propagation of false doctrine?

And because he's had the audacity to show compassion to a Trinitarian Pastor, you're "concerned" about his influence over other Onesness ministers.

What planet are you from???

Again, do you know TF Tenney? Has he written or preached anything which has led you to believe the accusations you've flung at him?

I've read his books and listened to him preach at various camp meetings and conferences and not once has he watered down holiness or Oneness.

And this bit where you're "concerned" that they still support their son, Tommy -- do you have children? Do you know Tommy? Should they just cut him off and shun him?

What an absurd and repugnant post!
Wow, you haven't gotten this mad since the time I posted this video.

26 of them came out of the water speakingwithtongues!

Come on, cut consapente89 some slack. He didn't mean you can't go pray for anyone who is in trouble whose Trinitarian. C. P. Williams prayed 40 muslim women out of a cave and 26 came out speakingwithtongues. I don't know how Brother Stoneking makes a sentence into one word, but it sure sounds cool.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 02-16-2018, 07:26 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Do you know the man?

"It doesn't seem to me." What an absurd and repugnant post.

"It doesn't seem to me."

What, because TF flew to counsel a Pastor and family who wasn't Oneness, "it didn't seem to" you that he "sees Trinitarians as outside the body of Christ?" Are we only supposed to pray, love or counsel those who only believe the same as we do? Where is this in the Bible?

So because TF had compassion for a Pastor who wasn't Oneness, "it didn't seem" to you that he's concerned about disregard for holiness or propagation of false doctrine?

And because he's had the audacity to show compassion to a Trinitarian Pastor, you're "concerned" about his influence over other Onesness ministers.

What planet are you from???

Again, do you know TF Tenney? Has he written or preached anything which has led you to believe the accusations you've flung at him?

I've read his books and listened to him preach at various camp meetings and conferences and not once has he watered down holiness or Oneness.

And this bit where you're "concerned" that they still support their son, Tommy -- do you have children? Do you know Tommy? Should they just cut him off and shun him?

What an absurd and repugnant post!
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Old 02-16-2018, 08:03 PM
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Re: Anthony Mangun on TBN 2/15/18

"There is coming a Revelation of the name of JESUS" - Anthony Mangun
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