Re: Phony endorsements of Ted Cruz
The whole Plan was Hillary. Trump and to a lesser extent Cruz, are in the Plan to provide cover (plausible deniability) for Hillary's "win".
One thing is for certain, though... the GOP is on the way out at the rate things are going. Reason? Too many betrayals of the base, grassroots, we the people types.
A new party is likely to arise out of all this, more nationalist and conservative with a large libertarian flavor.
Too bad it will likely get coopted as well.
These are the good old days. Enjoy them while you can. Meanwhile, stock up on food, water, etc. Be able to unplug from the 3 day food supply grocery stores as much as possible.
Seems we may be in 1913-1914 again, waiting for our Sarajevo to happen. Or Reichstag. Keep an eye on Asia, when a boxer waves his right hand expect a left hook, etc.
Last edited by Esaias; 03-30-2016 at 03:59 PM.