Originally Posted by deacon blues
With all that is going on in the world to be concerned about and you're getting your tighty whiteys all in a wad over the suggestion that water boarding might make a comeback? Good Lord.
You really look like you aren't a big picture guy. Or someone who looks far into the future of a situation enough to prevent yourself from getting caught in the crack. Anyone who understands history, knows that angry morons who have traits of imbalance, shouldn't be the guy you hand over missile codes to. Nor, should you advocate the individual have the keys to Abu Ghraib prison. Donald Dump telling us that he is going to protect us by waterboarding our enemies can only be translated one way. If this lunatic ever, ever, got the rest of the imbeciles in Washington to go his way (which I really doubt) then Habib, Hakim, and Ali will not ever get to see the waterboard. But people like you and I who have opinions, and like to voice our opinions. We get to do the Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello to test waterboard a go go!
But, like history has already proved out in triplicate, guys like you don't wake up until their mouth is stuffed with a wet towel.