Yes, Sean, your red lettered font is very precious.
Each of your responses above in red letter is weak and incomplete. For instance, agape is not an emotion. That is not found in Scripture.
The deepest Love known to man is not an emotion?....Please elaborate.
And, Jesus did not instruct you to wait anywhere for the Holy Spirit. And, Scripture clearly states at times Jesus did heal all who came to Him in Gallilee.
Really?.....Matt. 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
You and your friends were not in one accord because you did not have actual doctrinal unity on all matters. You just had a common interest for a while.
Were were indeed in one accord. The internet was not invented yet...LOL
Acts 2 says nothing about loud music shaking a building as a supernatural event from The Holy Ghost.
I know that, but it shook the place...LOL(smile
I could go on to expose your weak little reasonings. But it is not myself who does the work here. Gdo will mercilessly trim your foolishness. Al I do here for you is to prime and alert you to that when it happens. I have been anointed just for that function. How can we know? Because just as innumerable "Pentecostle" preachers have babbled, "When we find God's Gift for our ministry, we are astonished and overjoyed to see how He has all along been preparing us for it."
Have you ever heard, or preached, that, Sean?
Oh, I almost forgot. 11.) You were not at Pentecost, therefore you cannot be a "Pentecostal" without lying.