Originally Posted by Aquila
So, Walks, I'm sure I've asked you this before, but I forgot what you said.
What school of Islam do you ascribe to?
Have you heard of the Quranists?
What do you think of the Quranists?
Shafi'i would most closely reflect my teaching. This requires application of Quran, Hadith, and carefully derived consensus on matters under question or discussion in that order of priority and no practice in a lower priority would overrule the higher.
Under this philosophy 1000 lash sentences or death sentences for adultery and a few other newsworthy issues are not practiced.
You would most commonly find this practiced in Asia (where all the Muslims really live lol) rather than in the mideast where all the news stories about Muslims originate.
Pure Quranosts still depend on commentary to work out details not specifically addressed in the Quran. Depending on the source of the commentary it really is not all that different than deferring to the Quran first followed by other sources.