Originally Posted by Originalist
That would be a disaster. What if the majority voted in communism? We are a union of States, not a democracy. Thank God the majority can only rule where the Constitution allows it to.
I wasn't talking about voting in a whole new system. You took what I said to the extreme to strengthen your point. It did not work. There would be limitations to what could be voted on.
California voted three times not to have gay marriage. Three times judges ruled from the bench and overturned the will of the people.
Nobody thinks it is a good idea to vote on foreign policy? I was for the Iraq war at the time. Now looking back I think how could I have supported going into Iraq. Maybe if we had voted on it cooler heads would have prevailed.
We send tons of money to nations overseas. Hey if we voted on it and my side loses O.K. I understand, but at least everybody was given a chance to voice their opinion. Unlike the current dictatorship of crony capitalism that is in bed with the banks and the industrial military complex.