Originally Posted by revrandy
I was recently speaking with a freind of mine here locally and we were discussing some recent events in a well-known UPC musicians life and he said a part of the problem musicians have is they become so removed from service that they no longer feel God. (NO IT WASN"T THAD!!! )
He said Talent at times is a curse because even if they mess up or do something terrible we or somebody put them right back on the platform.
He said and it's true a Minister has to Pray for the anointing and if he doesnt' you know it... Musicians don 't... they can get up and play and everybody else prays but wouldn't know the difference because of their talent.
And nobody says anything... if they do and the person leaves they can go somewhere else get right up on the platform and play...
Any thoughts out there on this???
I disagree that we cannot tell when a singer/musician is not anointed. There are many wonderful voices out there and people who can make the organ/piano get up and walk, but most with a discerning ear can tell the difference. There is something stirring in your inner beings which lets you know...you just know.
When measured in the balance of God's economy, I believe anointing is greater than talent,
however, I believe we can, and should have both.
The OT muscicians were cunning (
I Chron. 25:7). The word used didn't mean sneaky, it meant trained or expert...they studied and went to classes to
minister before the Lord.
They were trained in the school of the prophets and prophesied with their instruments (
I Chron. 25:1-3).
They operated with such anointing in the dedication of the Temple, praising with one voice and one sound, that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud...anointing.
Ability and performance alone did not produce this...it was the unction of the Spirit of God.
If our music does not heal the wounded soul, soothe and comfort the broken in heart, or restore to a right standing with God, it is just pretty singing and nice music…it sounds good, but it’s just not right.
I need to stop here because this is a subject that I am passionate about...