Originally Posted by tv1a
Topic came up at work about television. I mention the denomination our church belongs to doesn't allow television, but allows the internet. I attempted the Larry Booker explanation and was shot out of the water rather quickly by those pagans. Everyone person in that conversation agreed the internet is more dangerous than television. Not one of those heathen thought the anti-tv/pro-internet made sense.
The problem was not with the no tv stance.The problem was that you don't have a deep conviction about it.You used the church organization as your excuse.That is why it was shot out of the water.I have explained the reason
that I don't have tv to many people and its never been treated wierd.Even
non religous people don't have tv's.First of all they don't want their minds programmed with the worlds propoganda.Secondly they don't want their children viewing trash.Thirdly they realize that what is put into their minds
makes it into their spirits.The eyes are the windows of the soul.There are
alot of other reasons people don't have tv's.The internet does not have
to be dangerous.You can get a AFF filter.You have to type into the browser.
If you are having alot of pop ups that are wierd you may have a trojan virus.
TV is lazy.You are getting entertained.I doubt the truth would be that you
would always only watch cooking channels or LPB.If you did though have
a deep personal conviction about it though your answer may have been
received differently.The explanation you gave probably made the folks not want to attend church whereas if the only issues you have are tv and some minor things you might agree that real bible salvation is present there for people who need to make it to heaven.Try some more positive conversation
than the we don't do tv thing.