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Old 04-02-2011, 11:28 PM
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Re: A.A. Allen

I can't knock A.A.Allen's faith.God honors faith.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:37 PM
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Re: A.A. Allen

People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:38 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Re: A.A. Allen

Why do you guys feel the need to assassinate the character of a man you never knew. I know MANY people that worked directly with Brother Allen and testified that they never saw him drink and never smelled alcohol on him and NONE of them believed the stories that were put out in the media.
The Assemblies of God hated him because they could not control him. He left them and took thousands of A/G people out of the A/G and started independent churches.
The UPC and the oneness people went to his meetings for healing and help but joined in the character assassination because he was not controllable and did not do what they thought he should.
He did more for the Kingdom of God in ONE service than most churches do in a lifetime. He built an entire city - Miracle Valley, AZ in the desert and a Bible College. Many people still revere Evangelist A A Allen as a man before his time.
Many thousands were saved, healed & delivered under his ministry. Churches were planted across America and around the world wherever he went.
He was a soul winner and a man that loved people and was very generous with those that worked with him. More notable miracles were done under his ministry and he Fathered in the Gospel many Pastors and Evangelists that continue to preach Bible Deliverance & MIRACLES FOR TODAY!
I do not believe ONE report of his use of alcohol. I believe it was a lie to discredit his ministry.
He was a great man of Faith and operated in the power of Jesus Christ.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:43 PM
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Re: A.A. Allen

A.A.Allen Is In The Hands Of A Just Judge. So I'll leave him alone.
I'm trying reach those who are alive and point them to Christ,rather than drag up the dead.

I'll say this if God touched anybody and did something for them in The meetings of COE,ALLEN,Branham,ROBERTS etc,etc I'll rejoice over what God did.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:45 PM
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Re: A.A. Allen

Good night to all.May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You Till We Meet Again.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:51 PM
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Re: A.A. Allen

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Why do you guys feel the need to assassinate the character of a man you never knew. I know MANY people that worked directly with Brother Allen and testified that they never saw him drink and never smelled alcohol on him and NONE of them believed the stories that were put out in the media.
The Assemblies of God hated him because they could not control him. He left them and took thousands of A/G people out of the A/G and started independent churches.
The UPC and the oneness people went to his meetings for healing and help but joined in the character assassination because he was not controllable and did not do what they thought he should.
He did more for the Kingdom of God in ONE service than most churches do in a lifetime. He built an entire city - Miracle Valley, AZ in the desert and a Bible College. Many people still revere Evangelist A A Allen as a man before his time.
Many thousands were saved, healed & delivered under his ministry. Churches were planted across America and around the world wherever he went.
He was a soul winner and a man that loved people and was very generous with those that worked with him. More notable miracles were done under his ministry and he Fathered in the Gospel many Pastors and Evangelists that continue to preach Bible Deliverance & MIRACLES FOR TODAY!
I do not believe ONE report of his use of alcohol. I believe it was a lie to discredit his ministry.
He was a great man of Faith and operated in the power of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for your words, bro. Sometimes it can be too easy to believe the negative reports when they might actually be lies for discrediting purposes. We should be more apt to give the benefit of the doubt, for love hopeth and believeth all things, than to jump for the negative. That way we are positive about things, and will not be in danger of falsely judging a person. If the negative reports are true and we mistakenly vouched for a man who was actually in error, at least we did not join in and bring further reproach to the true moves of God by hollering at the fake which is exactly what MANY people will do with the true by mistake after being incited to witch-hunts by seeing one in error.

I fear for many who consistently try to find error and fraud in those who operate in an Apostolic fashion of the gifts of the Spirit and the miraculous, and would rather side with the mainline denominational world that is bereft of the real workings of God.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:05 AM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Re: A.A. Allen

I will say this after speaking to the media, newspapers, NPR, TV, News, etc... that I have never - in 39 years of ministry, have I ever been quoted correctly. Every time I have ever given an interview, they have slanted it and cut it up and made it sound like something that it was not. You CANNOT win with the secular media. They Hate God and the Gospel.
I have heard Evangelist Gene Martin and other say many time - that worked with Brother Allen - If he did the miracles he did by drinking something - you need to find out what he drank and drink some yourself!
The facts are - it has NEVER been proven and it a lie that has circulated from the time he left the Assemblies of God.
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:17 AM
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Re: A.A. Allen

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
I will say this after speaking to the media, newspapers, NPR, TV, News, etc... that I have never - in 39 years of ministry, have I ever been quoted correctly. Every time I have ever given an interview, they have slanted it and cut it up and made it sound like something that it was not. You CANNOT win with the secular media. They Hate God and the Gospel.
I have heard Evangelist Gene Martin and other say many time - that worked with Brother Allen - If he did the miracles he did by drinking something - you need to find out what he drank and drink some yourself!
The facts are - it has NEVER been proven and it a lie that has circulated from the time he left the Assemblies of God.
Thanks again!

As far as doing miracles and being false, that is possible. Jesus said we can perform wonders and all, and yet he never knew us. And he meant genuine miracles. So the line about doing miracles by drinking something we should obtain is not on course. But I am not saying that confirms Allen was false. As you say the media hates Jesus and will do anything to discredit true people of God. People should take heed lest they be brought up on discrediting a true move God when That Great Day comes.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:29 AM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Re: A.A. Allen

I referenced what Gene Martin said because he and those that worked with Brother Allen day by day by day and lived with him - never did believe one word of the accusations against AAA.
I have heard from many how that during his camp meeting at Miracle Valley, he would cook at his house for many ministers and feed them yet fasted the entire time - 21 days at a time.
I know people that were worldly sinners and they got saved in his tent here in Atlanta and now preach around the world and pastor great churches.
I do know that Leroy Jenkins basically had his arm cut off and AAA prayed for him and it was healed instantly and he has prayed for people around the world with that hand and God has healed them. I certainly do not agree with all that LJ has done or does but one thing for sure - he prays for people in the Name and Authority of Jesus Christ and people are healed!

You cannot restrict GOD to your box! He is not contained by man. You can make up all the rules you want and say God does not use anyone that does not do it your way but - God will use ANYBODY that is a willing vessel.
Name me ONE perfect disciple! They all had faults but God forgives.
I LOVE to watch the video's of AAA and I have a lot of his books, mags and records. He was God's Man of Faith & Power and I do not believe one word of the drinking and drunkenness that was told to discredit him.
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:47 AM
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Re: A.A. Allen

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Why do you guys feel the need to assassinate the character of a man you never knew. I know MANY people that worked directly with Brother Allen and testified that they never saw him drink and never smelled alcohol on him and NONE of them believed the stories that were put out in the media.
The Assemblies of God hated him because they could not control him. He left them and took thousands of A/G people out of the A/G and started independent churches.
The UPC and the oneness people went to his meetings for healing and help but joined in the character assassination because he was not controllable and did not do what they thought he should.
He did more for the Kingdom of God in ONE service than most churches do in a lifetime. He built an entire city - Miracle Valley, AZ in the desert and a Bible College. Many people still revere Evangelist A A Allen as a man before his time.
Many thousands were saved, healed & delivered under his ministry. Churches were planted across America and around the world wherever he went.
He was a soul winner and a man that loved people and was very generous with those that worked with him. More notable miracles were done under his ministry and he Fathered in the Gospel many Pastors and Evangelists that continue to preach Bible Deliverance & MIRACLES FOR TODAY!
I do not believe ONE report of his use of alcohol. I believe it was a lie to discredit his ministry.
He was a great man of Faith and operated in the power of Jesus Christ.
As I said before, my grandfather and his family knew him. I did not. And, I never heard my grandfather say a word about "alcohol" in relation to A.A. Allen or any other preacher for that matter. I learned about Bro. Allen's alcoholism from the official records of his death and autopsy.

For me, his use (or even his none-use) of alcohol doesn't really impact the things that God was doing and continues to do. It's just an unfortunate condition brought on by many factors, "sin" often NOT being the thing that gets one "hooked."

Given the incidences of alcoholism within my family, given the coincidence that my own great-uncle Allen (who could have passed as A.A. Allen's twin) died at his own hand in misery brought on in part by alcoholism... Add to that the fact that A.A. Allen was a "Cherokee half breed" as much of my forebears were. And, given that my own family hails from the same small town in Independence County, Arkansas... the details of this man's life do fascinate me.
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