Hi Coadie,
Glad we can talk about this. I'm a pastoral counselor as well. I think it's important to identify what this thread means to certain people. I am thankful beyond words for old time pentecostals that held fast to the "issue" of the name, and the reality of the baptism of the Holy Ghost beyond Azusa St.
The organization mentioned on this thread has-as far as church sovereignty is concerned- morphed into a couple of directions, and these have created cultic "opportunities" (for lack of a better term) in some of their churches.
I'll identify a couple of them.
1. The biggest identity issue facing the UPCI right now is whether or not they really believe in and will allow the 5-fold ministry affect, or if it will remain as it has morphed into being: a primarily PASTOR-driven organization. The organization has been labeled a "cult" because of there being too much power given/invested in the local pastor by the parent organization, and too little accountability on the local church level.
I for one don't believe the UPCI is a cult. However I believe that church officials from the district level to national "look the other way" in borderline "cultic" churches because of the financial investment.
Just an observation:
When the pastor of
any local church is viewed as the "final authority" on every issue of life concerning members of the congregation it is "cultic".
Some examples of this are the way in which church finances are dealt with, the pastor's vision &/or building programs, how the pastor deals with questioning parishioners and his counseling practices, how the pastor speaks of people that have "left" the church, and when the pastor is above counsel himself.
I have heard of accounts like this, and years ago actually observed it. This is not a swipe at men of God that laid the groundwork for apostolic pentecost. In fact, in the newness of the revelations of those days, those men would probably not recognize the organization and what it has become.
2. The second issue the men of God in this organization have to deal with is the amount of financial/ministerial
control exerted upon the local pastors by the parent organization to conform to by-laws. I know several good men that preached "the message" that Hazelwood wanted preached solely because they were members of the organization and confided to me later that they succumbed to peer pressure.
If I understand the thread correctly, it is a rebuke to those that want to live by the
controls of the organization. I didn't take it as a slapdown of our founders.