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Old 06-22-2010, 11:20 AM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
The only "spirit" was her attitude, which she accentuated (and revealed) with her clothing choices.

It bothers me that she interprets it to mean that there was a "spirit attached" to the black clothing. No, it was the attitude with which she put on the black clothing that was incorrect.


Clothing doesn't put a persona on us; it reveals the persona we already have.

The output can be anything (here it was black clothing), but the input (the heart) is where all the issues of sin lie, and where we must apply the Gospel for most passionately.
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:22 AM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by Cindy View Post
I think she has it backwards. The spirit of rebellion is what got her started into the "goth" world. That same spirit started in the Garden of Eden. Eve decided to rebel against God, and sin followed.
Well, that begs the question. What made the thirst to be identified by "Goth" wrong? What was going on in her heart? What was the core issue? We would need her here to answer that.
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:25 AM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
From her friend, the Pentecostal Recessionista, who may want to take a cue from the Master who said:

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 3:35)

Not ... they will know you by your ornate bun, skirt with matching I-phone accessories and Coach bag:


Maybe they feel compelled to ask and treat you differently before even engaging you because it's ... just that you look .... DIFFERENT AND NOT NORMAL?

"Looking like a Christian" was never His call ....

And when do the fellas "look like Christians" ?????
I see the blogpost started quite a little debate too
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:32 AM
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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

As usual the emphasis is on the outward/ superficial and not on the inner workings of the heart.

Our salvation is judged by appearance alone.
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:57 AM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

What would we do if the current worldly fashion fad began to look alot like the apostolic stuff we see the girls wearing in the photo and there was no difference between the fashion of the world and apostolic women?

How would we know the difference?
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

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Old 06-22-2010, 12:00 PM
allstate1 allstate1 is offline

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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
What would we do if the current worldly fashion fad began to look alot like the apostolic stuff we see the girls wearing in the photo and there was no difference between the fashion of the world and apostolic women?

How would we know the difference?
OH thats an easy one!!! The same way you know the difference between the m............
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:01 PM
txmom txmom is offline
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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
What would we do if the current worldly fashion fad began to look alot like the apostolic stuff we see the girls wearing in the photo and there was no difference between the fashion of the world and apostolic women?

How would we know the difference?
My mom told me once that when maxi skirts were popular in the '70s, preachers in our area preached against them. It was "trying to look like the world", never mind that they were long and modest. Weird.

You know what really annoys me about standards? The letter and not the spirit of the law. Certain family members think I'm "charismatic" because I have no objection to make-up and jewelry (though I don't wear either), but no one seems to see anything wrong with the women with long skirts and sleeves whose clothes are too tight or accentuate certain areas in an immodest way. Or how about the hours and $$ spent on that hair and shopping for brand-name clothes and expensive purses and shoes? How is that more modest than affordable, lady-like make-up or jewelry?
But I'm "rebellious".
They're fine - they meet "the rules". Talk about missing the point...
Can someone help me down off this soapbox before I really get started?
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:03 PM
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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

from the blog "...The kind of clothing with the HG stamp of approval will help you keep your Holy Ghost...."

Keep your Holy Ghost?
The Holy Ghost who comes in when we are saved to seal us unto the redemption of the purchased possession will leave or abandon us if we wear the wrong style clothing? Can we drive Him off or run Him off by putting on the wrong clothing? How then do we entice Him back? by putting on the right style clothing? Does God's abiding presence really depend on what we took out of the closet and put on ourselves that day?
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:28 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

I do agree with many of the posts here, but I want to defend a point made in one of the blogs posted here. The blogger wrote...

It didn’t happen overnight for me, but after years of my journey with Jesus Christ, I finally realized what a tremendous blessing there is in “looking like a Christian.” I also realized that obeying the Word of God by dressing modestly and leaving my hair long does not take away from who I am, but it actually enhances my personality.

I think the blogger is correct. There is a tremendous blessing in "looking like a Christian". I know a sister who attended a very conservative Apostolic church. While out shopping with her one day, I watched a young lady in Wal-Mart approach her. The young lady said, “Hi, I’m Amy. I saw the way you dressed and I’d like to know, are you a Christian?” Our sister answered that she was indeed a Christian. The woman began to cry and tearfully explain her circumstances and asked for prayer. The young woman came to church the next Sunday.

What I find valuable in the story above is that a woman spotted what she believed was a Christian woman. Had our sister just blended in with the crowd, this young lady may have never asked for prayer and received a touch from God in her life. I think it’s important to “look Christian”. But that doesn’t mean we have to look weird. I think any extreme in style… even Pentecostal style… should be avoided. We don’t need hair down to our ankles or Amish looking dresses and/or clothing. But we should appear modest enough so that coupled with our meek and gentle spirit; the world will see something “different” about us.

Besides, modesty reduces one’s participation in the lusts of this world. You can’t control what another person thinks when they look at you… but as a Christian we shouldn’t offer fuel for their fire.
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:38 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I do agree with many of the posts here, but I want to defend a point made in one of the blogs posted here. The blogger wrote...

It didn’t happen overnight for me, but after years of my journey with Jesus Christ, I finally realized what a tremendous blessing there is in “looking like a Christian.” I also realized that obeying the Word of God by dressing modestly and leaving my hair long does not take away from who I am, but it actually enhances my personality.

I think the blogger is correct. There is a tremendous blessing in "looking like a Christian". I know a sister who attended a very conservative Apostolic church. While out shopping with her one day, I watched a young lady in Wal-Mart approach her. The young lady said, “Hi, I’m Amy. I saw the way you dressed and I’d like to know, are you a Christian?” Our sister answered that she was indeed a Christian. The woman began to cry and tearfully explain her circumstances and asked for prayer. The young woman came to church the next Sunday.

What I find valuable in the story above is that a woman spotted what she believed was a Christian woman. Had our sister just blended in with the crowd, this young lady may have never asked for prayer and received a touch from God in her life. I think it’s important to “look Christian”. But that doesn’t mean we have to look weird. I think any extreme in style… even Pentecostal style… should be avoided. We don’t need hair down to our ankles or Amish looking dresses and/or clothing. But we should appear modest enough so that coupled with our meek and gentle spirit; the world will see something “different” about us.

Besides, modesty reduces one’s participation in the lusts of this world. You can’t control what another person thinks when they look at you… but as a Christian we shouldn’t offer fuel for their fire.
So one lady who identifies Christians by conservative dress-styles asks for prayer (and she probably has experience with certain groups of Christians) and that is the total evidence for how it's good to "look like a Christian" nevermind the lack of definition of what a "Christian looks like?"

Without a bun in the hair, denim skirts and hair to the ground, will someone truly know a Christian woman is a Christian simply by a visual inspection? Really? This wasn't Jesus' message, Aquila. If our sister blended in visually, God is Sovereign enough to meet her need without us playing the Savior card. Whether by conversation, the Spirit speaking to her to engage conversation, etc. I don't think we have to bank on a uniform for this.
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