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Old 01-28-2010, 08:29 AM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by n david View Post

This is the same clown that put on a great show and duped millions into voting for him. It was a speech. BHO is great at giving speeches.

I wasn't moved.

I can. He's arrogant and condescending. He also told us why we were angry, none of which is the reason I'm angry, but whatever.

I looked at the clip a couple times, but didn't see anything. What did Alito do?

He mouthed, "...simply not true..." or "...not true..." according to Fox News.
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Old 01-28-2010, 09:32 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: State of the Union

Just finished reading a couple transcripts ... on from FoxNews, the other from CNN. I neither listened to nor watched the event live.

Before I take the scapel on the speech ... what's up with these transcripts? FoxNews' is missing a HUGE section that CNN included. Both appear to be post-speech, ie they have applause and laughter lines included. But FoxNews' doesn't have the Supreme Court reprimend or anything about the lobbyists or a few other parts.


On to the speech.

There's so much to go over, but I don't have time, so I'll just highlite a few quotes. (Doing this on a short work break)

From some on the right, I expect we'll hear a different argument, that if we just make fewer investments in our people, extend tax cuts, including those for the wealthier Americans, eliminate more regulations, maintain the status quo on health care, our deficits will go away.

The problem is, that's what we did for eight years.
Here, and in other areas, BHO did what he's done best ... blame Bush. It was a Dubya beatdown all over again.

But during a part about security and 9/11, BHO states

Now, throughout our history, no issue has united this country more than our security. Sadly, some of the unity we felt after 9/11 has dissipated. And we can argue all we want about who's to blame for this, but I'm not interested in re-litigating the past.
STOP THE PRESS!!! (To borrow from Limbaugh)

This jerk has spent most of his speech on the past, whining and blaming W for the economy and deficits, etc. Now it gets to this blurb about who's to blame for 9/11 and he doesn't want to talk about the past or who's to blame for 9/11?

Are you kidding me? I knew he was soft on the war and national security, but for him to state that he didn't want to say who's to blame for 9/11 ... that's a whole new level of pansyism.

That's why we've excluded lobbyists from policy-making jobs or seats on federal boards and commissions.
CNN has a fact check, as does FoxNews. He lied. Not true.

To close that credibility gap, we have to take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, to end the outsized influence of lobbyists, to do our work openly, to give our people the government they deserve.
I love this cute little gem. Remember this campaign pledge. Put C-SPAN in the room and make Congress post the bill on the internet before a vote.

Yah, lies.

That's it for now. Again, wasn't moved or impressed. The WH looked at the polls, licked a finger and put it up in the air to see which way the wind was blowing ... then they wrote a speech to try to get a bump in approval ratings.

He'll get the bump, but it won't last long. People like speeches, it's partly why BHO was elected. But people will forget the speech and will judge him on his actions from now on.

W isn't in the WH anymore. This is BHO's economy and policies. The buck stops with him. No more whining. No more blaming and passing the buck.
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Old 01-28-2010, 09:58 AM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I looked at the clip a couple times, but didn't see anything. What did Alito do?
Watch him at the 20 second mark. He shakes his head a little and mouths, "Not true."

Very ashamed of Obama for threatening a branch of the government. That's the community organizer and Alinsky training right there.

Even Juan Williams commented on that:

JUAN WILLIAMS: “I’m not sure that it was appropriate for the president of the United States to scold a Supreme Court as the Supreme Court sat there, allowed members of the Congress to stand up and applaud in opposition to that recent decision. It worries me in terms of intimidating a branch of government.”
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Old 01-28-2010, 10:02 AM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Just finished reading a couple transcripts ... on from FoxNews, the other from CNN. I neither listened to nor watched the event live.
Before I take the scapel on the speech ... what's up with these transcripts? FoxNews' is missing a HUGE section that CNN included. Both appear to be post-speech, ie they have applause and laughter lines included. But FoxNews' doesn't have the Supreme Court reprimend or anything about the lobbyists or a few other parts.
This site is claiming to have the full text by the AP.

Transcript: State of the Union address

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Old 01-28-2010, 10:10 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Watch him at the 20 second mark. He shakes his head a little and mouths, "Not true."

Very ashamed of Obama for threatening a branch of the government. That's the community organizer and Alinsky training right there.

Even Juan Williams commented on that:

JUAN WILLIAMS: “I’m not sure that it was appropriate for the president of the United States to scold a Supreme Court as the Supreme Court sat there, allowed members of the Congress to stand up and applaud in opposition to that recent decision. It worries me in terms of intimidating a branch of government.”
Yep, wayyyy over the line and smacks of arrogance.

I would have loved to see Alito and other SCOTUS justices stand up and walk out after BHO did that.
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Old 01-28-2010, 10:12 AM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
I DON'T QUIT!!! "The greatest speech since I have a dream." Ferd, He addressed the deficit. He is going to repay the trillion he spent.
yeah right
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Old 01-28-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Yep, wayyyy over the line and smacks of arrogance.

I would have loved to see Alito and other SCOTUS justices stand up and walk out after BHO did that.
But didn't they act like ladies and gentleman? I did like that. But how embarrassing and humiliating to have people stand around you, clapping in disapproval? Goodness, that was a horrible moment. Where was Joe Wilson for the verbal response?! LOL!
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Old 01-28-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
That was a low moment for the President of the United States and the Democrats in the Congress. Neophyte, he is arrogant and crass to the Supreme Court, very disrespectful.
could not agree more, what an airhead
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Old 01-28-2010, 12:51 PM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
Watching Nancy Pelosi, I feel a sense of compassion for her husband for some reason. I don't know, its just something I "feel".
well, my one hope was dashed. I was hoping Obama's opening line would have been:

My fellow Americans, Nancy Pelosi is missing.

oh well.
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Old 01-28-2010, 12:58 PM
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Re: State of the Union

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
I DON'T QUIT!!! "The greatest speech since I have a dream." Ferd, He addressed the deficit. He is going to repay the trillion he spent.

He also said that he wanted to drill for oil and build nuclear power plants and clean coal plants.

(liberals smiled because he pronounced nuclear correctly)

however, if you noticed (I did) he pointed out that the House had already passed the bill he wanted.

That bill he was speaking of is the Waxman Markie (sp) bill. W-M is the Cap and Trade bill which would make it economically suicide to build any coal plant, make it economically suicide to drill for oil in America and it does not address the need for nuclear power plants.

Mr. Obama was playing 3 card monte last night!

In addition to saying last night that he would pay back that trillion dollars, he has also said that the trillion dollar healthcare bill would reduce the deficit. It seems Obama believes Addition is subtraction, or he is relying on the NEA to dumb down Americans so much that they cant tell the difference between the two.

Please note, he also wants congress to pass a new "Jobs" bill. That is another trillion dollars in spending that we do not have on top of the trillion he already spend on "stimulus" (these words mean the same thing, only the dem talking points now state you cant say "stimulus" you have to say "jobs)

So Mr. Obama is going to pay back the trillion while spending another trillion.

Where is he gitting either trillion?
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