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Old 03-31-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Yes, I do believe that. But to be fair to those who don't agree with me on other points I need to say that I believe "the Church" to be those described in Hebrews 12:22-29. "Whose names are written in heaven..."

To be included in this number we must be "His workmanship..." You are not saved by what you have done, you are saved because of what He has done. See Ephesians 2. We are "made nigh by the blood..." His blood. We are NOT saved "of ourselves..." it is "the gift of God: Not of works..."

We are not saved because we have figured out a secret or because some mystery was revealed to our grandparents. We are saved because "God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)."

I can find no evidence of the supposed continual line of "Acts 2:38 believers" from the apostolic age through to the 21st century. And, those who have tried to offer such "evidence" embarassed all of us with their sloppy and often deceitful work.

Wow bro. you finally said something I can compeltely agree with today!
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Old 03-31-2009, 02:19 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Fudge did have some good data, I just disagree with the conclusion he came to.
I was left with the impression that he pulled his "punches." He describes the chief "antagonist" or the "bad guy" from the perspective of his storyline (LE Westberg) in terms that are almost flattering and certainly respectful.

He didn't really offer a conclusion of "who was right." He just offered a narrative on one side of a debate that he thought had been neglected. And did so in a way that didn't really antagonize the other side. (Just my perspective ).
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Old 03-31-2009, 02:21 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
And the PCI strongly emphasized repentance and baptism in Jesus name and the necessity of receiving the baptism of the Spirit with tongues post conversion (like the AOG does or did)
To be clear, you probabaly want to reword that. Did you mean "the necessity of receiving the baptism of the Spirit with tongues post conversion" (like the AOG)..."? And the "baptism in Jesus name" in a different clause or sentence?
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Old 03-31-2009, 02:24 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Wow bro. you finally said something I can compeltely agree with today!
If we yak enuf were bound to line up from time to time, even by accident.
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Old 03-31-2009, 02:25 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
To be clear, you probabaly want to reword that. Did you mean "the necessity of receiving the baptism of the Spirit with tongues post conversion" (like the AOG)..."? And the "baptism in Jesus name" in a different clause or sentence?
yes, but I guess I mistakenly assumed the intellect level of the general board would understand that................
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  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 03-31-2009, 02:29 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally posted by Ferd:

To begin with, by and large the Pan-Pentecostal movement came out of Methodism. The Holiness movement of the 1800’s was driven by the Methodist church and it was from those roots that the Pentecostal outpouring sprang. That is not to say that it was only Methodist (holiness) people alone at the beginning, but it was the dominant doctrinal tradition.

The first of our family of five generations of apostolic oneness Pentecostals, came from
the Methodist. My late father said when he was a small child he saw his mother (Lizzie),
my paternal grandmother, shout her long hair down and hair pins went everywhere. Of
course, she didn't have the Holy Ghost, to lead and guide her at that time and when
the "bob" came in, after the soldier boys (her oldest brother one of them) came back
from WWI, she had her long hair bobbed, put on a chemise and did the "Charleston. That
is what Dad said. He was just a little boy and his mother also painted her lips bright red
and it effected Dad as a lad, so much, he crawled under the house where they stored
the potatoes, onions, etc., and cried. Mother didn't look like mother and it upset him.

In 1926, as she lay dying of typhoid fever, she breathed a simple mother's prayer,
"Lord, if You would see fit, let me live to raise my three children. Dad was 8, little bro-
ther was 5 and baby sister was 2 1/2 yrs. Grandma lasped into a coma and awoke the
next afternoon, hungry and thirsty. She would live to see my first grandson, who is 25
yrs. old. She lived until Oct. 1984. It might be interesting what a lot of people might
do IF they thought they were dying!

After God healed Grandma, she continued to pray and read her Bible diligently as she
had previously done as a devout Methodist. God sent a white-haired old preacher man
their way and in 1933-34, she and her young son, my late father, obey the truth as the
old preacher had preached it from the Word of God.

Grandma never "bobbed" cut or trimmed her hair after she received the Holy Ghost.
There is/are girls/ladies in every generation since, that have also followed this pattern.
There is more to this thing than many know. God chose the foolish things of this world
to confound the wise. God's ways are not our ways. They are SO much higher.


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Old 03-31-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Originally posted by Ferd:

To begin with, by and large the Pan-Pentecostal movement came out of Methodism. The Holiness movement of the 1800’s was driven by the Methodist church and it was from those roots that the Pentecostal outpouring sprang. That is not to say that it was only Methodist (holiness) people alone at the beginning, but it was the dominant doctrinal tradition.

The first of our family of five generations of apostolic oneness Pentecostals, came from
the Methodist. My late father said when he was a small child he saw his mother (Lizzie),
my paternal grandmother, shout her long hair down and hair pins went everywhere. Of
course, she didn't have the Holy Ghost, to lead and guide her at that time and when
the "bob" came in, after the soldier boys (her oldest brother one of them) came back
from WWI, she had her long hair bobbed, put on a chemise and did the "Charleston. That
is what Dad said. He was just a little boy and his mother also painted her lips bright red
and it effected Dad as a lad, so much, he crawled under the house where they stored
the potatoes, onions, etc., and cried. Mother didn't look like mother and it upset him.

In 1926, as she lay dying of typhoid fever, she breathed a simple mother's prayer,
"Lord, if You would see fit, let me live to raise my three children. Dad was 8, little bro-
ther was 5 and baby sister was 2 1/2 yrs. Grandma lasped into a coma and awoke the
next afternoon, hungry and thirsty. She would live to see my first grandson, who is 25
yrs. old. She lived until Oct. 1984. It might be interesting what a lot of people might
do IF they thought they were dying!

After God healed Grandma, she continued to pray and read her Bible diligently as she
had previously done as a devout Methodist. God sent a white-haired old preacher man
their way and in 1933-34, she and her young son, my late father, obey the truth as the
old preacher had preached it from the Word of God.

Grandma never "bobbed" cut or trimmed her hair after she received the Holy Ghost.
There is/are girls/ladies in every generation since, that have also followed this pattern.
There is more to this thing than many know. God chose the foolish things of this world
to confound the wise. God's ways are not our ways. They are SO much higher.



Sister Falla, thank you for that post. My Great Grandmother was an old time Shouting Methodist, long before the out pouring of the Holy Ghost or the Pentecostal movement also.

My granfather who was a life long baptist recounted following her into the woods to her prayer spot where she would pray and shout and in his words "talk funny"

She died before any pentecostals came to that community. She was an old time Holiness Shouting Methodist that has roots deep in the 19th century.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 03-31-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
yes, but I guess I mistakenly assumed the intellect level of the general board would understand that................
This board? (Hey! Just kidding guys! Guys?)
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Old 03-31-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Sister Falla, thank you for that post. My Great Grandmother was an old time Shouting Methodist, long before the out pouring of the Holy Ghost or the Pentecostal movement also.

My granfather who was a life long baptist recounted following her into the woods to her prayer spot where she would pray and shout and in his words "talk funny"

She died before any pentecostals came to that community. She was an old time Holiness Shouting Methodist that has roots deep in the 19th century.
Bro. Ferd,

God, by His Spirit, led His people long before the merger, the outpouring,
He lead His people out of the wilderness of Sin and continues to lead them
just as of old. In the beginning, GOD!!!!


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Old 03-31-2009, 03:14 PM
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Re: Differences of the two at the merger?

ok,.....to sum it up, the PCI had those who believed you were saved at repentance and some who believed in the three step method of salvation....the PAJC believed in the three step method of salvation,....both came out of the AOG.....both preached holiness....

.....am I to conclude that the PCI was a little more liberal then the PAJC???....who were the main players of both groups at the time of the merger and what churches decendended from their roots?....were they prominent in different areas of the country?....and why is the western district of the UPCI so conservative?.....
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