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Old 02-23-2009, 01:23 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post

Please explain to me how an organization that cannot effectivly deliver mail, is going to be able to effectivly deliver high quality healthcare?
Also, it wouldn't be the Fed providing health care. Private providers would continue providing health care. The Fed would just manage and subsidize the insurance accounts they way they do for those in Congress.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:29 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I don't buy that premiums have been increased on those who have insurance. I have great insurance through my employment. I believe the loss is made up through taxes from everyone.

Then again, I'm not at all an expert in the heathcare field.

I just don't believe it's the federal governments job to say who will be able to get what surgery, and oh yeah, this person should just live with their condition because they're old. (Tom Daschle's idea of universal healthcare = government picks and chooses who gets what. This is was was passed with the "stimulus" bill)
That's not true. Sometimes I want to slap my forehead because there are so many myths out there about universal health insurance it's down right silly. Most of your plans will still be through private insurance companies with the very same plans you have now. The only difference is that the government would subsidize your premiums.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by citizen View Post
The city government runs police departments and fire departments.
The people pay taxes for these departments and its for a worthy cause. We need these services to help with taking care of the people that live in the city.
The people pay taxes for the military to protect the people.

Why would it be different to pay taxes for everyone to have free health insurance?
Everyone doesn't pay taxes. t's only us working stiffs that pay taxes to suppoer those who are too lazy to work.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:32 PM
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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Paranoia. Tell that to the countless civil servants (police, fire, EMS, and military) that responded to 9/11.

If you're house is burning down call Walmart.

The next time you have a sick or dying family member don't dare put in for FMLA.

I've worked for the Division of Wastewater while in service with the government. Everytime you flush your toilet, thank the government for providing sewers and watewater treatment. And I know a man who died cleaning a digester with some heavy duty chemicals so that we could continue to provide wastewater service for citizens.

Spoiled, unthankful, inconsiderate. Those are the words that come to mind.
AQ, all the jobs you list here are done by folk either at a state or city level.

I refer to the FEDERAL government.

and I've pointed out that the military is the only Federal governmental job we do well.

FMLA is a government law, not a government run office that does some real job. Universal Healthcare will run much like Medicad with is a farse.

The FEDERAL government has proven incapable of doing anything other than running a military and doing it well.

and it is NOT simplistic at all to suggest that an organization that is failing to deliver scraps of paper to my house has no resume that would lead me to trust them with the adminstration of my healthcare.

and oh by the way, the lump heads that would draft the laws conserning Universal Healthcare are the same idiots that drafted the Community Reinvestment Act (Revised 1996 or some such) and Graham-Leach-Bliley, the two bits of legislation that have pretty much caused the current WORLD WIDE ECONOMIC CRISIS.

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Old 02-23-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
That's not true. Sometimes I want to slap my forehead because there are so many myths out there about universal health insurance it's down right silly. Most of your plans will still be through private insurance companies with the very same plans you have now. The only difference is that the government would subsidize your premiums.
Chris, the theory is great, but at some point, businesses will discover that it is more simple to move folk to the nationalized version than to carry them themselves.

insurance companies will contract until there is little compitition and then we will be on a single payer system. These things ALWAYS devolve to that point.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:37 PM
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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I don't buy that premiums have been increased on those who have insurance. I have great insurance through my employment. I believe the loss is made up through taxes from everyone.

Then again, I'm not at all an expert in the heathcare field.

I just don't believe it's the federal governments job to say who will be able to get what surgery, and oh yeah, this person should just live with their condition because they're old. (Tom Daschle's idea of universal healthcare = government picks and chooses who gets what. This is was was passed with the "stimulus" bill)
My wife's and my insurance have gone up $46.00 a month since Jan. 1. and we are paying more for pre pay on prescriptions.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:37 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I don't buy that premiums have been increased on those who have insurance. I have great insurance through my employment. I believe the loss is made up through taxes from everyone.
It's handled on a state by state basis. Some states allow health care providers to write off 20%-30% of their losses, fewer maybe more. In the end the significant amount of that loss is handed down to you and me.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:38 PM
citizen citizen is offline
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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY View Post
Everyone doesn't pay taxes. t's only us working stiffs that pay taxes to suppoer those who are too lazy to work.
Yes, I am a working stiff and health care is sky high for me and people that make less than me and for people that work under the table and dont pay income taxes but may pay retail taxes.

No one has proven to me whats so bad about everyone getting good affordable health care.

If you make too much you cant get the government to help out - if you dont make enough you cant pay for good health care.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:39 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
AQ, all the jobs you list here are done by folk either at a state or city level.

I refer to the FEDERAL government.

and I've pointed out that the military is the only Federal governmental job we do well.

FMLA is a government law, not a government run office that does some real job. Universal Healthcare will run much like Medicad with is a farse.

The FEDERAL government has proven incapable of doing anything other than running a military and doing it well.

and it is NOT simplistic at all to suggest that an organization that is failing to deliver scraps of paper to my house has no resume that would lead me to trust them with the adminstration of my healthcare.

and oh by the way, the lump heads that would draft the laws conserning Universal Healthcare are the same idiots that drafted the Community Reinvestment Act (Revised 1996 or some such) and Graham-Leach-Bliley, the two bits of legislation that have pretty much caused the current WORLD WIDE ECONOMIC CRISIS.

Bro, much of local services, police, and fire are subsidized by Federal Block Grants, such as the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG), which are distributed to the states and then by the states to local communities. You'd see deep cuts in these vital services if you cut these grants.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:39 PM
citizen citizen is offline
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Re: Universal Health Care

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Bro, much of local police and fire are subsidized by Federal Block Grants as distributed to and then by the states.
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