Originally Posted by Ferd
considering the general dominance America has over these nations..... clearly socialism isnt nearly as good as what we Ameicans have created....
this notable Christian thinker thinks socialism is a poor excuse for laziness.
(I am certainly notable seeing that i have over 10Kposts!)
Blah, blah, blah. Most socialist countries aren't the size of Alaska and their gross national product isn't anywhere near our own... of course we're far more dominant.
There are a lot of things about America that are better than many of these countries. But we also have to remember....most of these countries were devastated a generation ago and they had to rebuild their entire economy, infrastructure, etc. from the bottom up. The European Union is rapidly becoming a major player and in time their economic and political power could overshadow the US...and they may have done it in less than one generation. That's VERY rapid advancement under their socialist system. It's taken us 200 years to get here.
I've spent a lot of time in Canada and frankly....it's cleaner, the people far less combative, and no one I know personally has had a significant problem with the health care system (though don't be fooled, there are problems that need to be addressed). Here in the US people die from treatable illnesses all the time simply because they can't fork over the cold hard cash for treatment.
I don't think a hardline socialist agenda is needed....there is a middle road but mindless ideologues on both sides are blind to it.