Brother, I take Metformin, iron pills and vit c. Yesterday, I think I took vit C instead of Metformin and I absolutely crashed.
Is it interesting about meds. This past week I have prayed for two bi-polar friends. I told my husband how I think their condition is related to over medicating or mixing meds. In fact, one was committed to a psych ward for a couple of weeks. She said nothing is wrong w/ her and she is none stop talk. When she got out of the hospital, she said my shrink finally allowed me to get back on my fluid pills and hearing meds ???? She needs to get off some of those meds IMHO... She takes heart, blood pressure and on and on meds... I truly believe with less medication they would not have a bi polar condition.
IMHO, certain meds can contribute to evil in ones life. It is no "poppycock"! Meds are basically a mask or bandaid most of the time.
I think it would be best if you didnt practice medicine without a licenes.
Please dont be telling a bi-polar person they need to cut back on their meds...
that can lead to very bad things.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I think it would be best if you didnt practice medicine without a licenes.
Please dont be telling a bi-polar person they need to cut back on their meds...
that can lead to very bad things.
Ferd.. DO NOT make assumptions! I would NOT ever ever ever tell them any such thing. I did not JUST fall off the cabbage truck...I surely would not want a suicide on my conscience. If you knew me, you would not even post regarding that unkind remark about without a license.
Perhaps you meant it as helpful... Your posts surely was not spoken in love!
So many need lessons in "love"on this board including me as it rubbed off to want to speak to you as you did to me.
Ferd.. DO NOT make assumptions! I would NOT ever ever ever tell them any such thing. I did not JUST fall off the cabbage truck...I surely would not want a suicide on my conscience. If you knew me, you would not even post regarding that unkind remark about without a license.
Perhaps you meant it as helpful... Your posts surely was not spoken in love!
So many need lessons in "love"on this board including me as it rubbed off to want to speak to you as you did to me.
Sister, i am sorry for offending you. I was truely not speaking in love.... it was more in a kind of sarcastic laugh..... should have used a smily...but I just dont use those very often.
but honestly, i have seen too many times when someone felt meds were just a bad idea or that the meds were the problem when really the problem was the person in question was just very very sick.
Now with the elderly you have instances where they have muiltiple doctors and mulitple problems and they end up with tons of perscriptions that can work at cross purposes....
ive seen that with my own father. he starts racking up pills, and we have to go to one Doctor with the list and make sure all of it will do everything that needs to be done, and not poison him! that happens...
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Even Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for the stomachs sake.....or what about laughter doeth good like a medicine?If I laugh am I a warlock?I believe that God uses doctors to reveal more of His power.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
With every advance man makes in technology and medical should blow our minds with how great God is.If it wasnt for God giving us medical technology I wouldnt be here today.In fact my mother wouldnt have lived past 14.Dont get me have to put medicine in its proper place.I have also seen the "I dont go to the doctor thing" turn into a really bad spirit of pride instead of faith.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.