When I was younger I'd hear people in their 50's talking about their aches and pains. I couldn't believe they could just sit around and hurt in their back, legs, neck or whatever. Well, howdy, now that I'm in my 50's, I understand completely what they were talking about. Chronic pain in my lower back and legs. Seems like I wake up everyday with a new ache. Guess my line of work doesn't help. But, I look around and see people worse off that I am. And, am thankful that my health is as good as it is.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
I no longer suffer from chronic pain, but I did for almost two years. Thankfully, I was able to have surgery that implanted a shunt in my brain, and voila! Headache and neurological problems gone and I'm no longer mostly blind.
My experience helps me understand others better where I couldn't understand before. I believe God allowed me to suffer in order to get this understanding. It also helps me in my calling as a nurse.
If you have never suffered, you cannot understand.
1. Heavenly One; read you testimony somewhere (GNC?), man-o-man, your journey was rough, God's grace is so amazing and my occassional migranes are just "in the noise" every since reading your story.
2. Is this a bad time to ask some of you with neck, back, and joint pain if there was a lifestyle of athletics that coud have been a contributing factor?
Just wondering...
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
I have very painful degenerated disks in my back and neck. My shoulders are in constant pain. I'm told I have the worse case of calcified tendons in my shoulder two doctors have ever seen. The surgeon that worked on my accident broken heel and femur did lousy work. His bad work on my wife and I has had to be redone. My wife needed two more surgeries to fix what this first surgeon did. Because of him, I have had to have two more surgeries on my heel - to try to fix what he did. I have had another surgery on my femur to fix what he did. Because of him, I now have a foot that points off too far to the right; I have a leg over an inch too short; and the VA is looking to do a bone graft on my femur. All the surgeons have only wanted to look at the broken bone problems and have put my extremely painful knee on the back burner. My knee has been the source of almost all of my severe pain since the accident, and nobody wants to look at it.
My heart is in A-Fib; I am on Coumadin; my left neck is always swollen; I have pressure in my head; since the 11 surgeries in three years, my memory is going in a bad way; because of limited mobility, my belt has needed to go out several notches; I have a chronic dry cough; I am fatigued most of my days; my nails are purple and nobody wants to look into why (usually heart or liver - I'm told); after a days activity, my belly bloats such that it is hard to put on my pants; my accident injured right eye goes in and out of focus; I have bad GURD; need I go on? I could.
Sorry, I got off the subject of pain. Seems I needed to vent a little.
My wife is disabled and not able to drive. We live in a little town. Chances are, without a miracle, I am not long for this earth. She only receives $265 SSD each month (after Medicare). She won't be able to get my SSD since she is not old enough. I worry about her being isolated here without a support network or fellowship.
Opps - I just vented a little more. Sorry.
Really -- Other then these physical inconveniences, we are doing great spiritually and emotionally. Our eyes are on the Lord. My (our) days are in His hands. We have a "Vision by faith." I don't want to leave my wife to navigate this life alone, so want to live. However, I look forward to putting this life and these trials behind.
1. Heavenly One; read you testimony somewhere (GNC?), man-o-man, your journey was rough, God's grace is so amazing and my occassional migranes are just "in the noise" every since reading your story.
2. Is this a bad time to ask some of you with neck, back, and joint pain if there was a lifestyle of athletics that coud have been a contributing factor?
Just wondering...
I have neck problems, but I don't think it is due to any athletics. I played sports all my life until I was in my 40's.
I think mine is work related. But will be very hard to prove.
I have very painful degenerated disks in my back and neck. My shoulders are in constant pain. I'm told I have the worse case of calcified tendons in my shoulder two doctors have ever seen. The surgeon that worked on my accident broken heel and femur did lousy work. His bad work on my wife and I has had to be redone. My wife needed two more surgeries to fix what this first surgeon did. Because of him, I have had to have two more surgeries on my heel - to try to fix what he did. I have had another surgery on my femur to fix what he did. Because of him, I now have a foot that points off too far to the right; I have a leg over an inch too short; and the VA is looking to do a bone graft on my femur. All the surgeons have only wanted to look at the broken bone problems and have put my extremely painful knee on the back burner. My knee has been the source of almost all of my severe pain since the accident, and nobody wants to look at it.
My heart is in A-Fib; I am on Coumadin; my left neck is always swollen; I have pressure in my head; since the 11 surgeries in three years, my memory is going in a bad way; because of limited mobility, my belt has needed to go out several notches; I have a chronic dry cough; I am fatigued most of my days; my nails are purple and nobody wants to look into why (usually heart or liver - I'm told); after a days activity, my belly bloats such that it is hard to put on my pants; my accident injured right eye goes in and out of focus; I have bad GURD; need I go on? I could.
Sorry, I got off the subject of pain. Seems I needed to vent a little.
My wife is disabled and not able to drive. We live in a little town. Chances are, without a miracle, I am not long for this earth. She only receives $265 SSD each month (after Medicare). She won't be able to get my SSD since she is not old enough. I worry about her being isolated here without a support network or fellowship.
Opps - I just vented a little more. Sorry.
Really -- Other then these physical inconveniences, we are doing great spiritually and emotionally. Our eyes are on the Lord. My (our) days are in His hands. We have a "Vision by faith." I don't want to leave my wife to navigate this life alone, so want to live. However, I look forward to putting this life and these trials behind.
I have very painful degenerated disks in my back and neck. My shoulders are in constant pain. I'm told I have the worse case of calcified tendons in my shoulder two doctors have ever seen. The surgeon that worked on my accident broken heel and femur did lousy work. His bad work on my wife and I has had to be redone. My wife needed two more surgeries to fix what this first surgeon did. Because of him, I have had to have two more surgeries on my heel - to try to fix what he did. I have had another surgery on my femur to fix what he did. Because of him, I now have a foot that points off too far to the right; I have a leg over an inch too short; and the VA is looking to do a bone graft on my femur. All the surgeons have only wanted to look at the broken bone problems and have put my extremely painful knee on the back burner. My knee has been the source of almost all of my severe pain since the accident, and nobody wants to look at it.
My heart is in A-Fib; I am on Coumadin; my left neck is always swollen; I have pressure in my head; since the 11 surgeries in three years, my memory is going in a bad way; because of limited mobility, my belt has needed to go out several notches; I have a chronic dry cough; I am fatigued most of my days; my nails are purple and nobody wants to look into why (usually heart or liver - I'm told); after a days activity, my belly bloats such that it is hard to put on my pants; my accident injured right eye goes in and out of focus; I have bad GURD; need I go on? I could.
Sorry, I got off the subject of pain. Seems I needed to vent a little.
My wife is disabled and not able to drive. We live in a little town. Chances are, without a miracle, I am not long for this earth. She only receives $265 SSD each month (after Medicare). She won't be able to get my SSD since she is not old enough. I worry about her being isolated here without a support network or fellowship.
Opps - I just vented a little more. Sorry.
Really -- Other then these physical inconveniences, we are doing great spiritually and emotionally. Our eyes are on the Lord. My (our) days are in His hands. We have a "Vision by faith." I don't want to leave my wife to navigate this life alone, so want to live. However, I look forward to putting this life and these trials behind.
Enough venting.
You go to the VA and they won't do anything more for you, or they can't? In regard to your heart and liver, I mean.
You also need a miracle, my friend. I'm praying for you to receive it. Both of you.
You go to the VA and they won't do anything more for you, or they can't? In regard to your heart and liver, I mean.
You also need a miracle, my friend. I'm praying for you to receive it. Both of you.
Thanks for praying. Our God hears and answers prayer. I'm so glad He isn't a dumb idol or demon spirit, as so many in this world trust in.
To answer your question: The VA is a long drive away. It is not easy for me to get there. The VA has been a God-send for me. I am so thankful for them being there.
To make an appointment to see a doctor at the VA is to set a date 6 weeks into the future. Each appointment needs to be on one problem and not several at a time. This months Seattle VA Hospital appointment, with the Orthopedic Surgeon, for my leg is an appointment made about a year ago. This is the earliest I could get in to see them. The appointment this month with the Seattle VA Hospital's ENT Surgeon is also an appointment scheduled almost a year ago. They are so backed up, you are fit in according to the urgency of your condition.
As a side note, since the Army and VA hospitals are in the news lately: I must say the Spokane VA Hospital is the best hospital (civilian or otherwise) I've ever been in (6 in the last three years). It is like going to a four-star motel. The Seattle VA Hospital and the Seattle Harborview Hospital are another story that wisdom and discretion dictates my biting my tongue about.
I can't complain too much as I am blessed they all have been there to help me (and my wife). Things could have been MUCH worse.
1. Heavenly One; read you testimony somewhere (GNC?), man-o-man, your journey was rough, God's grace is so amazing and my occassional migranes are just "in the noise" every since reading your story.
2. Is this a bad time to ask some of you with neck, back, and joint pain if there was a lifestyle of athletics that coud have been a contributing factor?
Just wondering...
nope. in fact a sedentary lifestyle would be a greater contrtibuting factor than any lifestyle of ahtletics.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!